488 farm-to-fork commitments so far…and still counting
Today two years ago the European Commission formally launched the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices.
We – Europe’s farmers, food processors, retailers, food service operators and traders – are proud of the part we played in building the Code, in the midst of the pandemic, working with the Commission, NGOs, consumer groups, trade unions and others on a truly collaborative project for more sustainable food systems.
Today we can count 488 voluntary, measurable commitments from the Code’s 134 signatories.
These include:
We’re proud of the progress made so far and ambitious to continue to bring in more signatories and build more commitments over the coming years.
Of course, the Code cannot deliver sustainable and resilient food systems on its own. To that end, we – the businesses that grow, make, sell and deliver great food in Europe – have clear ideas about how to accelerate the journey to sustainable and resilient food systems.
For example, we need to stimulate more public and private investment, we need support for innovations and infrastructure, and we need a coherent regulatory environment that helps the agri-food chain to survive and thrive while on their sustainability journey. These enablers will feed more commitments to the Code, also from smaller companies.
So, in the collaborative spirit of the Code, let’s continue the dialogue with all stakeholders. Working together, the ambitious targets set out in the Code will come within our grasp!
Pekka PESONEN, Secretary General,?COPA COGECA
Karsten Maier, Dr., Secretary General,?UECBV - The European Livestock and Meat Trades Union
Dirk Jacobs, Director General,?FoodDrinkEurope
Else Groen, Director General,?Independent Retail Europe
Christel Delberghe, Director General,?EuroCommerce
Todor Ivanov, Secretary General,?Euro Coop