So said #PhilLord and #ChrisMiller at their #Dartmouth commencement speech this past June.
The feeling of taking a running jump of a cliff was analogous to launching their film career, but it was also akin to my sensation of holding a live interview, which, no one knew at the time, was my first.
Like an interview virgin--hey!
Held captive for nearly 2 hours, am relieved to report that Phil was utterly delightful and at home expounding on all the marvels that he and Chris Miller have birthed over the years. Even his family loved it, which was perhaps my greatest unexpected treat from all this.
Thank you so much Miami Film Lab and Coral Gables Art Cinema for making this illustrious occasion occur & to all who attended. As soon as the recording is available, you will all be the first to know.
All I can say is that I'm ready for the return of Phil Lord AND Chris Miller & I hope one day, Nick Stoller!
Do I sound like a silly fan?
Am completely fine with it.
Look, even actors gush about each other. See two very well-dressed men , who I also gush about individually, giddily throwing roses at each other's feet on Variety's Actors on Actors.
*IC trivia: I went to New York City when I was 13 to see #RalphFiennes do Hamlet, and drool on myself, so you can begin to fathom how profound and precocious my nerdy fandom goes back.
Meanwhile! Maybe it's time for that #curiousrefuge class? I've been to enough film school for 3 people but those Curious Refuge shorts are just looking so good!
Speaking of AI, this may be old news but #TomHanks and #GayleKing were understandably up in arms about the AI version of him selling dental and weight loss plans respectively. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/02/technology/tom-hanks-ai-dental-video.html
Beyond that, the Key Biscayne Film Festival is growing every day. We have a potential sponsor locked in who may bring us some #Hollywood clout so HOO-RAY for that!
And the gorgeous #Lecuona tribute at the Sanctuary of the Arts is shaping up. I'm in charge of the #shortfilm and I saw the gorgeous Brazilian, Argentine, Uruguayan, Chilean and Miamian dancers all rehearse yesterday & it was STUNNING! So, save the date! December 6, 7, & 8 Sanctuary of the Arts in Coral Gables, FL. Link for tickets coming soon!
Speaking of not looking down, I threw myself into the pool of Oolite Arts Cinematic Residency Program for 2024 and boy, would I like to win it! What if I do? I could! Finally, #Success en tu Life could be in a lot of people's lives...
Tune in for more next week. xo
I love love love this update, Isabel. Your world is so full of colorful projex swirling around in their own respective speeds. :) Re AI for making movies, I have some thoughts about that after I prompted RunwayML to create a Latina mad scientist in the style of Tara McPherson's artwork. Ripping off another artist...well. I feel a bit icky about it. And excited. It's confusing. Holla. Maybe it's a future Film Lab topic?