47.67% Of Aransas County Citizens Get To Look Over Their Shoulders For Another Four Years; Kudos To Sheriff Mills For Over Coming Deputies Antics.

47.67% Of Aransas County Citizens Get To Look Over Their Shoulders For Another Four Years; Kudos To Sheriff Mills For Over Coming Deputies Antics.

Congratulations to Incumbent Sheriff William "Bill" Mills in getting 52.24% of the votes to successfully acquire his third term as Aransas County Sheriff. I have to say, this race was close and I'm sure you were sweating it just like everyone else was Bill.

Unlike your last two elections for Sheriff you had some real competition this time, and the voters came out in droves to vote. 5,234 Aransas County residents voted for in the Sheriffs race, which is a county record I believe. The total number of votes is about double last years totals for sure, so that is saying a lot about the level of interest in this campaign.

So I have to honestly give you kudos for hanging in there and fighting a good fight despite  the tough opposition and the idiots who work for you.

Despite your Chapanator, your Dirty Sanchez, your Mustacheo Maniac, and the little good-goose-steppers committee that follow them, you pulled it out. What can I say, I'm at loss for words. Your victory cannot not be debated, and the voters have spoken. So champion on Sheriff, and do so with my blessings as you won a good fight.

But let me tell you...while the other 47.67% of us look over our shoulders knowing very well those organized criminals under your command are coming for us, mark my words, It is not going to be much longer before one of them land YOU sir in a heap legal of trouble that no election will help you out of. There will come a day that do to your lack of attention and insight to what these thugs are doing that you will be the one before a judge, answering for what they have done.

Bill, I didn't back your competition becasue I thought he was better, I backed him becasue he would do what is right. You are not the problem with Aransas County, your deputies are. Unfortunately, they don't keep you well informed and sully your name and leave you to answer for their actions. Once you were a leader, now the thugs lead you. Take control of your department, this campaign should prove to you one thing...people are tired of the rotten and corrupt antics of those under your command. Get a hold of these criminals and kick them to the curb before its too late and your the one swearing to the good book. Something like this may be closer than you may even realize.

We will be prepared with camera and recorder in hand when they mess up again. I assure you.

Go with God and good luck to you in serving as Sheriff.


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