47 seconds of attention span

47 seconds of attention span

Can you maintain focus in the office?

Just think if the below two scenarios are relatable.

Scenario#1 - We arrive at the office at around 10 or 10.30 am, we feel energetic (after a good breakfast and good short trip from home to office). We open our laptop and decide to give the best shot to pending deliverables. The momentum takes a bit of time to build up. But when the clock struck at 11 am, our focus level shot up to the highest level. We complete the whole (or major part) of deliverable. ???

Scenario#2 - The same case happens in the afternoon. After a lunch break at around 2 pm, we ramp up our focused attention and it shot up to the highest level at 3 pm. The more tasks get done in a shorter time.

If you find it relatable, just relax because it is normal. It is a well-researched topic.

I got some answers in a book.

After reading a few books on STATE OF FLOW and DEEP FOCUS, I got curious to understand the underlying cause behind this rhythmic pattern of focus. Luckily, I found a book titled “Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life” by Gloria Mark which talks about the same.

Information rich content of this book

So, what’s the story behind our ability to focus?

The answer lies in the secret that “rhythm is the new flow”. It suggests that we can’t think of focus as – focused or unfocused - only. Instead, there are different ways we can get engaged in something. There is a time span of increased focus and then followed by decreased focus and it repeats itself. And this rhythm is decided by pool of CR (discussed ahead) and circadian rhythms.

What’s CR?

The author shares the concept of cognitive resources (CR) which determines our focus. Psychologists define it as the pool of attentional resources. But there is an issue with CR i.e., It adopts limited CR principle. ?

What’s that? The basic assumption of this principle is –

·???????? First, such CRs are required when information process is done and

·???????? Second, the pool of CR is limited.

Hence, to sustain the focus, one needs to maintain the optimum quantum of CR.

Is there any threat to CR?

In the modern world, with the advent of the internet, a flood of information is being generated every second. This is leading to a dynamic state of attention which is characterized by rapid shifts, such as between applications, social media & internet sites. It is called Kinetic Attention. It seems like multitasking for the brain.

Even though it seems that multitasking is a wonderful thing (as it can be a way to get more done in less time). But the truth is otherwise. Unfortunately, research shows that we are not good at utilizing the fruits of multitasking. Consciously, our mind can focus only on one thing at a time. Additionally, it can also result in stress, low performance, and fatigue.

What’s the implication of reduced CR in our life?

Our CR is reduced to such an extent that our attention span has shrunk to 47 seconds only. Once we switch our attention, it takes ~25 minutes to resume the original task. In other words, just 47 seconds of distraction leads to loss of 25 minutes of productive work.

Check the graph on declining attention span

Amidst the limited CR, what can be done to enhance it?

Few of the ways can be to –

·???????? Go for a walk.

·???????? Random talk with a stranger

·???????? Short nap

This book was an amazing read and highly recommended for anyone who has an unwanted habit of scrolling unconsciously.

(Views expressed are personal.)




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