#459: The Nature of Projects with Dr Mike Clayton
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#459: The Nature of Projects with Dr Mike Clayton


In today's "People Skills" newsletter, we're looking at a set of videos on project management from one of our favourite presenters, Dr Mike Clayton. In this set of 12 videos, Mike will give you a comprehensive overview of what a project is, including what the "Iron Triangle" of project management is; what the Greek philosopher, Plato, has to do with projects; and three reasons why dull projects are best.

So, if you want to improve your understanding and use of professional project management, take a look at these videos now...

01. The Beginning... A Thought from Plato

The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, said 'The beginning is the most important part of the work.' In this short, bite-size video, I reflect on what that quote means for project managers and the discipline of Project Management. And, of course, it won't be hard for Project Managers who follow me to anticipate that I will focus on the definition stage of Project Management!

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02. What is the Iron Triangle? Time, Cost, Quality, Scope?

What is the Project Manager's Iron Triangle? It is also known as the Time-Cost-Quality Triangle, The Triple Constraint, and The Triangle of Balance. Here, Dr Mike Clayton, founder of https://OnlinePMCourses.com answers this question, in under 5 minutes.

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03. What is Power? Power Bases in Project Management

We all have it. But some of us have more than others! So, what is power? In this video, I'll tell you - particularly in the context of Project Management. 'Power is the ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.’ In the workplace, it’s the ability to get others to do what you want them to do. Power at work arises from what are called power bases – the sources of power:

Click the above image to view this video on Snippizz

04. What is Project Scope? Project Management in Under 5 Minutes

Project Scope is easy to define, but the hardest part of a project manager's job. So, what is Project Scope?

Click the above image to view this video on Snippizz

05. The Project Lifecycle: A Basic 4-stage Lifecycle model

Projects have a familiar project lifecycle that gives you a framework to understand, plan, and deliver them.

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06. What Are Project Benefits?

Project benefits are the reason we do projects. Deliverables are only of any use to the extent that they also realize benefits. Benefits are measurable improvements that are the outcome of a change your project creates and which your stakeholders perceive as positive. So, products or deliverables are the tangible, or experiential outputs from your project. These lead to changes in the real world – outcomes. And, if those changes are perceived as good by your stakeholders, they are benefits.

Click the above image to view this video on Snippizz

07. Project Organization

Learn about the basic organizational structure of a project from Dr Mike Clayton, author of How to Manage a Great Project, and founder of OnlinePMCourses.

Click the above image to view this video on Snippizz

08. Project Management: Project Goals and Objectives

What are project goals and objectives, and how are they used in project management? Dr Mike Clayton, author of 'How to Manage a Great Project' explains.

Click the above image to view this video on Snippizz

09. Project Definition: Three Big Questions about Your Project

There's more to Project Definition than just Goals, Objectives, Scope, Dependencies, and Constraints. There are things we rarely talk about. In fact, there are three vital questions we rarely even ask ourselves. Yet they are as important to defining your project properly as the more common components of a project definition.

Click the above image to view this video on Snippizz

10. Dull Projects are the Best: Three Reasons Why

I love Dull Projects. Dull is good. So is boring... and drab. But WHY do I say this? Why do I think dull projects are the best? I have good reasons and, in this short video, I'll share them with you.

Click the above image to view this video on Snippizz

11. The Basics of Project Management ...in 4 minutes

Learn the Basics of Project Management in 4 minutes, with the Eight Steps to a Successful Project.

Click the above image to view this video on Snippizz

12. What is a Project? Explained in 2 Minutes

In this video, we will explore What is Project and why it’s important. Simply put, a project is a series of tasks that need to be completed in order to reach a specific outcome.

Click the above image to view this video on Snippizz

What Next?

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Thank you for reading this edition of the "People Skills" newsletter, and best of luck with your continued learning.

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Eric Garner

Managing Director

KSA Training Ltd


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