4:51 a.m., Enlightenment Through Connectivity, Thriving in Chaos

4:51 a.m., Enlightenment Through Connectivity, Thriving in Chaos

“You crave chaos. You’re happiest when the world is in an uproar. You thrive on madness. Even when your magic is at its best when it’s the catalyst to confusion, you still can’t admit this?”

— A.G. Howard 

4:51 a.m., coffee is made, the fireplace is burning, the wind chimes are singing a song, and I’m ready to take on another day. It’s Memorial Day weekend, a weekend that for the last 20 years I have spent with my family, but due to a pandemic, I’ll be stuck on a mountain top with my Queen. I will miss my family, the tradition, the Indy 500, everything that was, but I must say I am enjoying this forced isolation with the most beautiful woman in the world.

So how are you? What’s been going on? How are you faring in these strange times? There is a spectrum of feelings and maybe awareness. I talk to a lot of people; Yesterday I started my day with a call with 12 folks from Colorado. I then connected with a creative entrepreneur from Indiana, Jared owns one of the largest gyms in Indiana, someone thought we should meet, he is part of our tribe. He’s a father, husband, property owner, podcaster, and a brilliant young man with a bright future. He will change Indianapolis, for the better.

I’m often asked when meeting new people, how can I help you. Whom do you want to meet? My answer is always the same; connect me with your creative entrepreneurs. If someone fits that description, we will connect; don’t send me your stodgy, old fashion, retro thinking individuals; I thrive on fresh, vibrant, free-thinking “uncommons.” I think it essential to identify your target audience. Those are the people that will be allowed in my life moving forward. 

My coaching call with one of my students got pushed back a week, and then I rolled into an agency consulting meeting where I’m working with an agency in Texas. Ryan and his team are ready to change and evolve, so they hired a Sherpa.  We then had our daily virtual workout; we had seven on the call, today we will work out at 9:00, I find myself looking forward to the time of body movement.

I ran a 3:00 p.m. call with an old business partner and client, and we did some excellent work, he was happy, it was good to catch up.  I connected with 23 people yesterday, well 24 if you count my Queen. I didn’t leave my house; I did this all virtually. I think moving forward; I will be a virtual man, no reason to leave, if you need to see, touch, or feel my body, I might not be a fit for you.

I am part of a board of directors, most of my board is looking to return to face to face meetings, but I am struggling with that idea. I now am confident that I can be just as effective virtually as I can face to face, you may disagree, but I think we will be moving into two camps. The face to face camp and the virtual camp, I’m now leaning virtual.

I don’t think I’m alone. My former business partner and I had a long talk about how we will live moving forward. He, too, no longer wants to drive 3 hours a day. We both shared our work is caught up. Between you and me, some days at 3:00 or 4:00, I’m creating work because all my tasks are complete. This has been a time of creation for yours truly. 

5:10 a.m., the sun is starting to make her return, what a blessing I have to see the sunrise every day. Most wake later, I don’t judge, but for me, this is prime time Anson time. These first few hours of the day are mine; I own this time, no one is up, no one is emailing, calling, I’m on Anson island, and I feel content and amazing.  The red glow of the sun just made her appearance; I wish you could see what I see, I’m blessed beyond measure.

I’ve got an 8:00 a.m. call with thought leaders all over the globe. Last week we had someone call in from their yacht. I have connected with some significant and exciting people in the previous few weeks; they like the energy I produce, thus invite me to join various meetings and groups. I have become enlighted through my connections; I have evolved as a human my 50th year on this planet.

I turn 51 next week, the 50th year of my life has been my favorite so far. Sure, I fell 25 feet and broke my back, but for me, that was a fantastic experience of pain and resilience. Most people that plunge 25 feet die or become paralyzed. I walked away, but that event changed me for the better. I am here for a reason, reasons that I can’t explain, but something bigger than myself guided me, protected me, and saved me from myself. 

I tend to thrive when something unexpected happens. This pandemic has been one of the most significant times for me in my life. I’ve had time to think, rework my experience; the old me was a carbon footprint making machine, the new me will leave a little soot here and there. I’m interested in how you will change your being, your life, your ways moving forward.

I’m excited; I’m juiced, I’m exploding with potential and what the next few years will bring. My Queen and I have decided that we will be buying a home on the beach. We have three homes today; we will exchange one for our beach house.  I get inspiration from our mountain house and expect that our beach home will provide more fuel. As of this moment, I think that we will find a small town in Mexico or Costa Rica, become part of a community of ex-pats, that is our future, what is yours?

The soup is chunky this morning; I have a lot of ideas, ideas that I would not have had sans a pandemic. This has been a time of growth, energy, and exploration. I’m finding new things about myself; I’m connecting with new and enlightened people; I’m finally home. Who knew it would take 50 years to find myself, but hey, I’m not quitting, I think there is more to this Anson Ross character, I’ll let you know as I uncover the real me. Cheers, enjoy the three day weekend. I will, I promise, I’m a jester living with a Queen on top of the world.

“You crave chaos. You’re happiest when the world is in an uproar. You thrive on madness. Even when your magic is at its best when it’s the catalyst to confusion, you still can’t admit this?”

— A.G. Howard 


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