I don't believe I can, at least not yet, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. It’ll take time and extreme stress. Just as silver and gold burned in the furnace until the metallurgist saw their reflection, we were given tests externally that brought out our internal purity, carry no ill will.
Forgiveness can sometimes serve as a test of purity. And I'm sorry, it's not that easy.
At the end of 2023, my most trusted relatives almost sold my home as collateral without my knowledge. My mother was on the verge of deathly stress when my father went back to the country only to go AWOL in the middle of a legal process. What a sh’t show of a year.
And for my father, as good as dead for me when I saw the life he chose over our family.
After a year had gone by, in a dream, I was asked by my mother, Will you go to their celebrations? In that feast where my father and his “killers” were gathered? I woke up without any answer. And so I am writing this reflection; maybe I haven't fully forgiven, but in time I can
Who am I not to forgive people I can see - when every day I ask forgiveness to the lord i cannot see? I may have lost a “dad,” but if I can wholeheartedly forgive him, I would have gained a “father”—God” the Father!. This is a test of gold and silver. On the verge of purification.
What about you? Where has forgiveness taken you? I write my thoughts publicly to see where it’ll take me in 2026, to remind someone else too that its not easy to forgive, but we have to.