44. How to make a lasting First Impression on your?potential customers at scale
Chanakya Joshi
GetAConnectGlobal.com | Founder, Content Funnels Tech. Pvt. Ltd. | Content Marketing 2.0 | Customized & Connected Content Funnels | Your Online Presence Sorted | IIMI | Suzuki | M&M | HCL | SLP
In this article we will understand why first impressions are critical in businesses, what are the basic components of it and how to do it at scale in this online world.
Why 'First Impression' :
The first impression is critical in business because it sets the tone for the future relationship with your potential customers or partners.
First impression is the Last impression.
First impressions tend to have a lasting impact on people's perceptions. It takes just a few seconds for someone to form an initial opinion about you or your business, and that opinion can be difficult to change. A positive first impression creates a strong foundation for building trust and credibility.
Customers make their purchasing decisions based on their first impression of any brand or company. While there is always the possibility that you can repair a poor first impression, it is much more challenging to change a customer’s mind once they have already formed a poor impression of your company or brand.
When there is a bad impression of your brand, they are less likely to make a purchase, and if they do, there is a higher probability of buyer’s remorse. Therefore, it is crucial to make an effort to create an excellent first impression and start a new relationship with customers on a positive footing.
Basics of making a lasting first impression :
Let's look at basics of making a lasting first impression :
How to do it at scale?
That's a million dollar question. Till now, businesses have been making great first impressions by using a consultative led selling approach, although in an offline mode. Here you take your potential customers through solving their problems/answering their questions to the ultimate outcome of selling your product or, to be honest, recommending a better solution that solves or might solve their problems. It has been quite tricky to do this at scale.
But now with technology at our disposal, we can do consultative led selling at scale. Yes, that is possible! At GetAConnect we have built our product exactly for the same.
You can now automatically Deliver Personalized Content to your target customers at first interaction for FREE using a combination of Assessment/Survey/Quiz (ASQ) Led Marketing and Education Led Marketing. That is the Next Level of Content Marketing for Lead Generation.
Click here to know how you can do it.
Make a lasting First Impression on your?potential customers, that too, at scale!
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