4:38 a.m., Beautiful Parker City, Prayer Chains, and The Freedom Loving Spectrum

4:38 a.m., Beautiful Parker City, Prayer Chains, and The Freedom Loving Spectrum

“The rocket was beautiful. In conception, it had been shaped by an artist to break a chain that had bound the human race ever since we first gained consciousness of earth’s gravity and all its analogs in suffering, failure, and pain. It was at once a prayer sent heavenward and the answer to that prayer: Bear me away from this awful place.”

— Michael Chabon 

4:38 a.m., I’m up, sitting by my fireplace, in my purple bean bag writing chair. I am up earlier than usual to attend my first face to face meeting in over three months. It’s a men’s group; we are meeting in the back yard of one of our members, social distancing, etc.

I don’t mind meeting, but I do not enjoy the 45-minute one-way drive. I’m happy to sit in front of my computer in my Zoom Room 2 and connect with these fellas. But many wanted to meet, and I don’t want to be a contrarian or agitator.  After the meeting, I’m getting some blood work done, including the Covid19 antibody test. We shall see how my, some might say “free” lifestyle will show up in the analysis.

Free lifestyle meaning attending live music events for the past four weeks, regularly dining out, wearing a mask, hugging friends, living life based on the changing CDC guidelines, but alas I digress, how are you?  Did you sleep well, we got our 8 hours in, yes, we went to bed at 8:30, we were both tired, we had an excellent fun-filled day of meetings, movement, and mayhem.

I did some coaching with an agency in Texas. Amazing people, after our first session, they used the tools to land some new business.  It’s fun watching my clients use a unique process and begin growing their company and personal wealth.  I love teaching, it’s fun, we laugh, but I have a course that drives a unique approach to open doors, checking out the surroundings and putting the salesperson in a position to decide if he or she moves forward. It’s a unique system and works well if used correctly. The key to my program is the activity and then executing each step successfully.

The weather here has been fantastic; we can work and find 20 minutes to enjoy the sun each day. We’re up pretty far; the sun is close, 20 minutes gives a lot of vitamin D. The view does not hurt one’s eyes; it reminds us of what is possible and maybe what is to come. Our reality reminds us of endless opportunities.

We scheduled our first business face to face next week; luckily, it’s about 15 minutes from our home.  If I have to drive to meet someone, it better be necessary, I will try and sway most meetings to virtual, I’ve learned I don’t like to leave my home. This free bird had his wings clipped by the recent events.  I don’t see value in driving from point A to point B knowing it’s much more efficient and less carbon creating to meet via Zoom. I think there will be others; we will divide as a population between physical and virtual. Working virtual expands my market, and it might grow yours as well.

I talked to my parents last night; they were walking down the main street of Beautiful Parker City, my home town. They were taking their dog Sid for a walk when 37 motorcycles pulled up to the local tavern.  My dad was astounded at the number; he was the counter; he showed me the tour de force—a pretty exciting event for such a small community.

I’ve never really shared much about my home town. It’s a small community, think fishbowl with spotlights. Everyone knew everyone when Harry was doing Sally, we all knew. We had a unique internet system before our digital age. The community was full of churches, each had a prayer chain or as I liked to call it the gossip line. 

In a little over the top, untrue story, my childhood would go something like this. The phone would ring; it would be Barbara from the church asking for my mother. Barbara would tell my mother that Sally had contracted an STD, and she needed to be added to the prayer chain. My mother would then contact the other members of the chain adding, and those that were not able to be connected were shared this prayer request on Sunday.  

The prayer chain system provided for gossip but also useful information. Health concerns were shared, as was funeral information and other community critical data. But I always thought it interesting the inclusion of infidelity and couple separations.  

I am not poking fun of our community, just sharing my twisted memory of a small but unique part of my upbringing. I am proud to say I was raised in the United Methodist Church; my moral compass and value system has a strong foundation.  We, too, brought our children up in a church; they share our sense and sensibilities about life, liberty, and spirituality.

I think the world could use a little more spirituality these days. I believe religion is ok, but religion seems to focus on the “don’t do this” aspects of life where spirituality focuses on the awareness and openness of one’s mind and a connection with something more substantial than oneself.

So, happy Friday, you made it through another week of happiness, freedom, and joy. I trust you will have a fantastic weekend; we have plans. We will be hanging out with friends, family, and probably a few strangers. Our ability to connect with new people has not been thwarted. It has improved by connecting with those on our freedom-loving spectrum.

Well, that’s enough, 5:14 a.m., I’ll leave this soup on the stove. Sip it, get your bowl, I’ve added a few new visitors this week, welcome to the circus and thank you for reaching out. I had a good friend almost apologize for not sipping my soup every day; I was not offended. Hell, I would not sip my soup every day, but I feel compelled to fill a bowl for those in need.

Thank you, Joe, for kicking back on some spices I included yesterday. Your civility and fact-based email shifted my mind, albeit slightly, but I moved my opinion, well done, my friend. I live with an open mind, open heart, and I ask that you follow my lead. Now more than ever, we need to live in a world of understanding and appreciation for other’s ideas, thoughts, and interpretations. Cheers, and please pray for Harry and Sally.

“The rocket was beautiful. In conception, it had been shaped by an artist to break a chain that had bound the human race ever since we first gained consciousness of earth’s gravity and all its analogs in suffering, failure, and pain. It was at once a prayer sent heavenward and the answer to that prayer: Bear me away from this awful place.”

— Michael Chabon 




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