So What Made You Leave?

Read any report or study in to why people leave a job and bad management will probably be the number 1 reason; people join companies but leave managers is a generally accepted truth. There will be a variety of issues that push someone to quit but if you are looking for the one strongest reason - then I'll bet there will be a "straw that broke the camel's back" moment that tipped them over the edge and made the decision to look for something else a no brainer.

But, having been a manager with over 20 years' experience, I know it isn't an easy job, keeping everyone happy and on target can be a tough ask. There's so much to consider, both in terms of managing the team and the expectations of the company. Managers don't have the luxury of disagreeing with strategy, policy or process when it's time to get things done and take action, they are often caught in the middle with little room to manoeuvre.

I think it's how managers arrive in position and are supported during, and after, their job role induction that has a major bearing on how successful they are and will be. I do work with a lot of new managers who liked the idea of being the boss but were woefully under-prepared for when it came time to stand on their own, make decisions and get things done. I've also worked with companies who have promoted people because they were good at the job they were doing, they probably became the manger by default. Frustration then sets in from all sides because they aren't up to being the boss or taking responsibility even though they haven't received nearly enough support to make the transition.

What is clear is that managers need support too, whether that is through 1:1 coaching or on-going training and development. I always loved the opportunity to learn new skills, to get access to a model or framework that would give me another strategy to help staff perform and to make me better at being a manager. It's an absolute truth that good managers help staff perform better, they get things done and they make the workplace a great place to be. People stay in jobs because they have a good manger!

If you'd like to find out more about how One Degree Difference can help your managers, then get in touch:

There's also a 20% discount on all management courses for new customers. Just quote ODDlink in any correspondence.


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