420 Events and Beyond
“In the fall of '71 Waldo Steve was given a treasure map to a patch of weed on the Point Reyes Peninsula. The map was given to him by a friend whose brother was in the U.S. Coast Guard and was growing cannabis. The coastguardsman was paranoid he would get busted so he granted permission to harvest. The Waldos? all agreed to meet at 4:20 p.m. at the statue of chemist Louis Pasteur on the campus of San Rafael High. They met, got high, and drove out to search for the patch.
In the ensuing school days the Waldos would use the term ‘420 Louie?’ to remind each other of their after school quest. They eventually dropped the 'Louie' part and just said ‘420’ to refer to cannabis. Originally '420' was nothing more than the Waldos' secret slang--their own private joke--, however, it was picked up by others and spread from generation to generation, city to city, country to country, across decades, and throughout all media around the globe.” - excerpt via 420 Waldos.com
As cannabis consumption becomes normalized, April 20th feels more and more like an international holiday and this year was extra exciting as the whole month of April is 4/20!
Sadly, cannabis events have been cancelled the world over, starting with Spannabis announcing their cancellation less than 48 hours before their planned start. Smart. Then Hall of Flowers announced their postponement and SXSW cancelled (they had over two dozen cannabis panels with an amazing line-up of speakers). Cannabis Wedding Expo in Vegas? Nope. CannaTech in Israel? Uh-uh. 420 Hippie Hill Festival at Golden Gate Park? Ain’t happening. What about the 4/20 High Times Cannabis Cup in Sacramento? Sacked.
How will cannabis events and events in general evolve? Designer face masks, thermal imaging and sanitization stations? Time will tell but for now, here is a treasure map of virtual 420 celebrations. If I missed any, please share in the comments below.
4/11 Hi Day by eventhi.io $15 4:20am PST Saturday through 4:20am Sunday, 24 hours of Unique cannabis experiences all from the comfort of your home on the hour, every hour. @deedussaultganjayoga Attendees will be able to experience events like Ganja Yoga with Dee Dussault, a history of hash with Frenchy Cannoli and a 4:20pm puff with none other than (IG: @TheOfficialSailene), Co-Founder of The Glowing Goddess Getaway
4/17-4/20 SPLIFF Film Fest (donation) A film festival made by the stoned, for the stoned.
4/19 Pre-420 Party and NORML's 50 year anniversary. FREE 3:30-5pm - Take a journey through time and honor cannabis pioneers, new leaders and future change-makers. Confirmed guests include Tommy Chong, Brett Harrelson, Keith Stroup, Erik Altieri, Bruce Margolin, and more!
4/20 420 Convergence - 11-6pm FREE - A gathering for the decriminalization of cannabis and psychedelics.
4/20 Arcview Celebrates our Industry: From Illegal to ESSENTIAL
4/20 The Comprehensive 420 Events Guide from Potguide.com
4/20 Various events listed on Cannabis-Related Events Worldwide Facebook Group page
4/20 Dazed & Quarantined with Mason Jar Event Group FREE 4-5pm
4/20 Puff, Pass & Paint’s artist founder Heidi Keyes is leading paint classes from her home on the company's Facebook and Instagram platforms.
4/20 Haus of Jane 4/20 Online Celebration by Tokeativity Women Empowered In Cannabis and White Buffalo Spirit FREE for members, sliding scale for non-members
4/22 Digital Earth Day with Earth Day Network. Because hemp can save the planet.
#faeriejane #420events #cannabisevents #spannabis #fourtwenty#420waldos #eventhi #420louie #masonjarevents #thewaldos #hiday#hallofflowers #sxsw #cannabisweddingexpo #cwe #cannatech#420hippiehill #hightimescannabiscupt #splifffilmfest #puffpassandpaint#hausofjane #tokeativity #womenempoweredincannabis #whitebuffalo#whitebuflo #earthday