417/365 WHAT GOT YOU TO FROM 1 TO 60, IS DIFFERENT FROM 60 TO 90, 90 TO 100
417/365 WHAT GOT YOU TO FROM 1 TO 60 IS DIFFERENT FROM 60 TO 90, 90 TO 100
From an earthworm to a rabbit, a rabbit to a wolf, a wolf to a monster, it's a daily process of make-and-break learning and adjusting. But just when you think you figured out this complex ecosystem, you’re an eagle drowned in water, a shark brought to land, a lion in midair.
Apex: yes, but helpless. The way you did things has changed in this new environment; you’re the lowest animal in the food chain again—but at least a worm with more wisdom and patience. Know what needs prioritizing, do what needs doing; everything else is past and done.
Predators have other predators hunting them; a mindset. But maybe at this new level it's no longer a matter of kill or be killed, but rather cooperation and support, which raise your bar—their bar too. One thing is for sure: what got you from 1 to 60 is different from 60 to 90, 90 to 100.
#426mma #reflection #daily #love #goals #thoughts #ideas #changes #positive #improve #better #stronger #faster #wiser