#41 May 20th, 2022
Blake Carroll, CPA
PwC People Team - Manager | Helping Aspiring CPAs Navigate the CPA Exam with Confidence
In every situation and with everything that happens to us we are totally in control of how we respond to it. That response is either going to help us or hurt us. When was the last time you took the time to truly examine if the choices you’re making are helpful or unhelpful? Sometimes without meaning to we make things worse because we choose a response that doesn’t move us towards our goals. One of the most helpful responses in a lot of situations will be having the hope that things will get better and that we can take action to make them so. But having that optimism for a better future is so powerful because if you do not see reason for positivity then you will not take any action to make it so. You will stay stuck and things will only get worse or you’ll languish where they are. It can be hard in the moment when something bad happens but we must try to have the perspective to take a step back and assess what our responses are doing
It’s far too common for people to launch a business without actually seeing if someone would pay for the product or service. They just take the idea and run with it, but you need to validate it first. You need to actually talk to the people you think are your potential customers and see if they need your offering and more importantly if they would pay for it. You can save yourself a lot of time and effort because this will weed out those ideas that really aren’t worth pursuing. You have to be willing for the idea to not be great at first. You might need to refine it and change it as you talk more to your potential customers. All of this effort invested upfront will save you a lot of time down the road.
Self-care is a term that has become much more common in peoples every day lexicon but what does it actually mean? Sometimes people might brand anything they enjoy as self-care, but that’s probably too broad of an definition to use for it. It’s not just something you enjoy, it’s something that enriches you and restores you by giving you energy. Blowing a ton of money on extravagant shopping make you feel good in the moment but that doesn’t really make you better. Self care should not bring more negatives down the road by creating positives now. You can’t completely sacrifice your future self for your current self and call it self care.?
If you’ve been trying to make changes to your physical fitness but you seem to be stalling and you don’t know why, the common mistakes in this article could be the culprit. I think drinking enough water and mindless snacking are two that stand out to me the most. Often when you think you’re hungry you’re really just thirsty. The article also has good examples of the mindless snacking on peanut butter or pretzels that can end up bring hundreds of calories a day.
We have so much choice and so many options today, sometimes too much. Think about how many different TV shows and movies you can stream at any moment. Go into a grocery store and see how many types of yogurt or cheese or cereal there are. This is a good thing right? It turns out not always. Sometimes when we have too much choice all of the options can overwhelm us and we end up not doing anything. This could definitely be detrimental when it comes to important life decisions like what career to pursue or when we’re trying to create new friendships and relationships. We need to make sure to be aware of which decisions should get a lot of time and thought compared to the insignificant decisions like the earlier mentioned type of yogurt or cheese. It also can be helpful to break options down into categories in order to weed out more of the overall options if you can eliminate an entire category.?