The "4+1 Holistic Development Approach" (Part 2)
Karl Dewazien
Emeritus State Director of Coaching, California Youth Soccer Assoc., Author & Creator of the FUNdamental SOCCER Player Development Methodology.
Coach Filipe Teles, Founder of the Canadian Soccer Coaches Network; covered the Technical/Tactical and Psychological portions of his ‘Holistic Development Approach’ in the article entitled, “The Whole is Greater… (Part 1).”
We now continue with Coach Teles’ Social; Physical & (+1) recommendations and discussion points which have helped him improve his players to a completely different level.
- Communication
- Relationship
Are the players:
1. Enjoying the work?
2. Included in the process?
3. Challenged & Engaged?
4. Supported when necessary (visually, orally and practically)?
5. Given ownerships, trust and responsibility?
- Be a good role model for the players.
- Create a positive and welcoming environment.
- Praise players for their effort and endeavor as well as abilities.
- Use descriptive praise to pinpoint what the players have done well.
- Manage mistakes to the player’s advantage – understand what they were trying to do.
- Sometimes they will have the right idea but just fail in the execution of the technique or skill.
- Make sure the sessions are enjoyable but with a purpose. Ensure the development of skills and game understanding.
Target: Enjoy and get them passionate about soccer.
- Develop physical literacy
- Generic movement skills:
1. Agility, Balance, Coordination, Speed, Soccer functional movement Skills, COD speed (Changing Of Directions)
2. Receiving the Ball, Running with the ball,
3. Dribbling, Turning, Kicking and Heading
- Appropriate movement skills which develop agility, balance, coordination and speed through enjoyable games.
- Using well designed practices, all coaching activities should include physical outcomes.
- Allow for differing growth rates between the players and cater for the needs at both ends of the growth scale.
- Children are not mini-adults and sessions should not include laps of the pitch and press ups.
Target: Improving movement and the ABC’S
If you remember, before this explanation, I mentioned another “concept” that I called it “Village effect”, in a very simple way, it’s everyone else that has influence on the day-by-day of the children, since parents, school teachers, family, friends, other activities coaches, neighbors, etc… All these people that surrounds the child will have an impact on his life, by words, actions, behavior or ideology.
As coaches we can’t just practice and “send them home”, we need to try to understand what is going on in their life’s, without being nosy, but this approach can actually give you some answers why the child is behave differently.
How many of us (coaches) did actually get in contact with the players teachers? How many of us attended to a player’s family party? How many of us helped or initiate a extra-soccer activity, where players get involvement in the community?
It may sound too much, but the impact of this 4+1 Holistic Development Approach can help improve your players to a completely different level; like it has mine!
Filipe Teles
Soccer Coach at Benfica Soccer School of Toronto; Soccer HUB content specialist and .... Founder of Canadian Soccer Coaches Network!
Koach Karl’s Notes:
Thank You! Coach Teles for sharing your insights with FUNdamental SOCCER!
Both Coach Teles and I encourage you to give us your thoughts and points of view on these subjects!
Finally, We both pray that everyone will take care of themselves and their loved ones!
Your FUNdamental, Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)
- Emeritus State DoC of California Youth Soccer Assoc. 1979-2012
- Author - FUNdamental SOCCER Books Series
- Producer - ‘FUNdamental SOCCER -Practice’ DVD.
- Clinician at: