40 Years Later
This week is exactly 40 years to the Entebbe raid, that has seen several Elite Units of the Israeli army release more than 90 hostages in one of the most audacious and perilous military operations ever attempted.
I had the opportunity to interview one of young officers that took part, on the ground.
It was a small, intimate event, with only friends and benevolent audience. That was a first for him…and definitely a first for me…and what a first it was !
I was expecting to hear the Hero speaking about this glorious, unequalled achievement, praising the prowess of the Israeli army.
There was none of that. The mere facts are anyhow so extraordinary that any superlative is just useless.
Instead there was sincerity, humility…and tears. Tears for the ones that fell, tears for the fear of loosing oneself and the others, tears finally for having to pull the trigger, because this is what you have to do.
3 seconds. This is all what they had to decide. For their life and those around.
3 seconds…20 minutes to end it all in an incredible manner…and then 40 years to wait before speaking out for the first time.
I was looking for the Hero, ready to push him, ready to ask more details, ready to open the debate…
Instead I found that 3 seconds is sometime all what you have to decide if you want to live…When so many of us are spending a lifetime just waiting to die…
That Some legends are created in 20 years, like the Iliad and the Odysseus…some others in 20 minutes.
That Emotions, Feelings, Fraternity, Courage, Fear and Hope are stronger than 4, 40 or 400 years of Silence.
So may all the Silent Heroes of this World, wherever they may be, whatever their bravery and whomever just cause they are serving, by planting a tree, saving a child, curing diseases or fighting evils of all forms, May they all remind us to keep our Heart Open and our Soul Alive.
3 seconds: 1, 2, 3…I choose Life.