40" x 20" In Place by Lisa Goesling
I wandered the grounds of these collectors gardens many months ago and marveled at the variety of plants, flowers and trees right outside their door. It was truly a spiritual moment to be that connected with nature. After leaving with samples of my favorites, I set out to capture how it felt to be surrounded by that level of beauty.
Of course, we are all sheltering in place at the moment. Yet I am one of the lucky ones who can venture into this wonderland without ever leaving my studio. The fact that I can stand before my easel, X-ACTO knife in hand, and share the incredible beauty that I had experienced. (Scratchbords? are hard boards covered in India ink and Clay, manufactured by Ampersand Art Supply. I paint with colored inks at the end of the process.)
Here are a few details from the 40"x20" art. I am not quite done yet, abstract elements will be interspersed between the larger images from nature.