40 truths I know for sure
Vartika Sinha
Visual Artist | Capturing emotion through art | Corporate art workshops | Commissioned?work I Ex- Coca-Cola, GE | Health Coach
40 truths on my 40th b’day, Truths that I have experienced countless times
1. No matter what my circumstance is, 'my reaction' is always a choice. Habit to hit a pause before acting/reacting is worth cultivating.
2. Whatever I give, it comes back to me. It's not important in what form & shape it comes but it always comes back.
3. Whatever I am seeking, is seeking me.
4. Desire is a useful energy, if channelized positively. It tells me about things I am more drawn to. It assures me If one person can do it, I can also try.
5. Stressing on food for weight management is waste of time. Weight is not food but spiritual issue. Whenever I eat without hunger, I know something inside me is eating me up. I know for sure, it's a sign to peel the layer.
6. Daily ritual is my immunity from Highs & Lows. The pacts I have made with myself are far more important than people's acknowledgement/ criticism
7. The more grateful I am, more grace I experience.
8. A safe space in relationship goes a long way. A space where anything can be shared without fear & judgements. It needs to be nurtured with consistent efforts. This space is beyond fun, romance, love, care & support.
9. Fasting is the best medicine. Whenever I am sick or low, not consuming food & technology is the best treatment.
10. 'Passion' is highly overrated. Showing up daily & getting intimidated by canvas is my reality. I surf from joy to agony in each painting session. Accepting my reality & still showing up is my superpower.
11. Healing the wounds of Past is the most worthwhile challenge of life. Whenever I work against my best intentions, I pause and investigate the patterns. Often, it's old self-limiting beliefs, which are waiting to be released.
12. Often the doubt is on good intentions/ things. It's a human tendency to look for dirt. A constant reminder saves my energy from Gossip & negativity.
13. My child needs a Happy Mom, not an idol of worship/ symbol of sacrifice.
14. Spread positivity anyway, it's rare. I have been the beneficiary of unconditional support. I know for sure few words of encouragement can shake the mountains.
15. Even on the most miserable day, I will have at least 5 things to be grateful for. I was 19, when my mom passed away. Crying by her side, I looked at my brother & prayed Thank God! I don't have to deal my grief alone. Daily writing 5 things I am grateful for before sleep releases anxieties.
16. I can not change what I don't acknowledge.
17. I learn better from my fellows than experts. I know for sure we all need hope from people we can relate to.
18. Something larger than me is at play. I don't know what is it, maybe it's not an object of knowing. I know for sure it waits for me to tune in.
19. Clutter is expensive, whether it's in my studio or mind. I have always paid the price. Rocks unattended become mounds & hard to clean. Tiny daily ritual of keeping the desk and mind clean keep the creative flow free.
20. I am enough and so are you. Seeking validation from others is waste of time
21. Finding beauty in all the blemishes of my face makes me pretty. I know for sure love blossoms with self-approval.
22. Every day I tell my son 'You have infinite potential', he doesn't believe me though. At 10, he trekked Mt. Everest Base Camp, he said ' Probably I have some potential'. I know for sure words have power to change the subconscious mind.
23. What I focus on expands. I know for sure focusing on the goodness create more of it.
24. 'Silence' is answer to a l enquiries. From '20 minutes of stillness' every day to 'few days of Silence Fast', Silence is my go-to tool. I know for sure there's a state beyond 'Pleasure' & 'Pain', that can be accessed anytime.
25. Consumption > Creation, is recipe for miseries in Life. Craving for attention & social validation make me less creative. Whenever I feel miserable, I know for sure it's time to reduce consumption (food/ tech/ talk/ emotions etc.). Nurturing diverse creative outlets keep the flow free.
26. Making 5 goofy moves (sketches/ writing/ dance/ attempt to sing) release the pressure of performance. Having a goofy ritual keeps me connected to myself.
27. Authentic expression doesn't need language or skill. I know for sure whenever I am true to myself, somehow everything fa ls into place.
28. Body knows how to heal. I just have to do 1 thing - Get out of its way.
29. Frustrations & Temptations, both are real. I know for sure it comes to teach me something. It’s worth building capacity for it slowly, because something beautiful awaits after it’s gone.
30. The rigidity in me comes from unresolved emotions. I know for sure it's time to forgive/ seek forgiveness.
31. Ageing is inevitable but vitality is optional. Continuous endeavor of being relevant to people of a l walks-of life, is life’s most rewarding lesson. My real learning started when I decided to be relevant till my last breath. I know for sure that’s a sign of vitality.
32. Relationship with money & materialistic comforts is a result of relationship with self. The day I decided to be resourceful to myself, I started to learn and express better. As a result, everything else was bonus.
33. When I am surrounded by self-doubts & feeling of low self-worth. I know for sure the only prayer “I take care of quantity; you (divinity in me) take care of quality”, paves the way.
34. Setting boundaries & learning to say 'no' create healthy self-esteem. Whenever I am disappointed with the outcome. I probe my intention of 'doing that task'. The disappointment comes when the intention is to please somebody (including myself)
35. Food (healthy/unhealthy) is the biggest addiction & silent killer. All this while I over ate. I have come a long way from eating non-veg food to vegetables & fruits (no salt, sugar, grain, dairy, meat, oil). I know for sure if you quit salt for 4 days you will know what I mean.
36. Scheduling few minutes downtime throughout the day keep me centered
37. The real wealth is having a friend who's got my back. I know for sure I will not have to carry any load alone.
38. Sound sleep is a blessing, don’t disturb it with alarm or goals. It is the only Health Insurance.
39. When I have done everything, I could and still fall. I know for sure how soon I gather myself & stand is far more important than flying
40. Now it doesn’t matter to me who am I? What’s my purpose? Why am I here? The only quest I have is to nurture my authentic voice. I know for sure having faith in my voice makes me resourceful to myself.
About Me - Vartika Sinha, Chartered Accountant turned Visual Artist. Ex-GE/ Coca-Cola,
Corporate Trainer & Natural Health Science Practitioner
I conduct workshop to nurture depth & build the most essential skill of 21st century- “Indistractable”[email protected]; www.vartikasinha.com
instagram #sinhavartika
#deeplife #productivity #corporatetrainer