4.0 Leadership in Every Corner of		the World

4.0 Leadership in Every Corner of the World

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell

Frankfurt, Germany, April 2019

What you see above is the front page of a 149 page long research report published by European Leadership last April

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Being the report all about digitalization you are welcome to contact Jorge Zuazola to get a full copy of the report in PDF.

Here in Pulse 3.0 (LinkedIn Publishing Platform) we shall be publishing the report in digital format. Because of its grandious size it can take dozens of articles. This is only the first one.

European Leadership Report                    01-19

Spectrum                                                      Worldwide

Objective                                                      Added Value Leadership for CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Companies and Leadership Ambassadors

Report date                                                  22nd April 2019

Introduction: How to read this report

This report is over 100 pages long and therefore has 3 clearly differentiated parts, namely:

? A state-of-the-art Executive Summary with dozens of pages which explains our Leadership Decalogue duly supported by concepts and experts for each of the 10 points;

? A full report where each of the 10 points are backed up by the research performed over decades of experience; and

? A full leadership library with 653 books some of which are so important that have been read and applied several times

The following 4 pictures are worth more than 1000 words:

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This report is written with a horizontal leadership approach. It is written for everyone. We will indeed it publish it in pieces digitally but we will clearly need over 30 articles. That is why you get it in PDF format. This report is non-political. At the time of issuing this report we see this tweet

Retired General Stanley McChrystal on why leadership as you know it is a myth: https://cnb.cx/2Rzk3VI via @CNBCMakeIt” We fully concur with Stanley McChrsytal https://twitter.com/stanmcchrystal because the Swiss Polymath Ronald Stern, who in the 80′s already worked with Peter Drucker, said firstly that most of the leadership concepts for the last 40 years were not true and then backed it up with this excellent quote:

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Equally this report is non-religious. All references to the Spirit v Ego need to be understood as part of the SQ concept which also Stern masterminded very well indeed

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TO:                 CEOs, VPs, Directors, Companies, Entrepreneurs, Entities


21st April 2019

Added Value Leadership for CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Companies and Executives


If you have a better way of doing anything digitally your idea may be worth a fortune. This is what this report, backed up by 11 years of worldwide digital work, is all about.

In the digital business, the most valuable ideas are those that make money, save money, save time, or improve the way things are done. Every improvement, however slight, is a step in the right digital direction. Being digitally alert for opportunities to improve things is a function of a positive attitude. It is virtually impossible to think creatively about opportunities when your thoughts are concentrated on the downside risk of the old industrial world instead of the upside potential of the digital world. As you search for ways to improve your performance, or to find a better, faster, or more economical way to perform a task or build a product, by all means analyze and minimize the risks but focus on the possibilities.

The possibilities multiply exponentially in the Economic Graph of LInkedIN. When you take the initiative, you become a ′de-facto′ leader whose success will depend in large measure upon your ability to inspire others to work with you. They will follow your lead when they have confidence in you and when they know they will share your success with others. In the P2P 4.0 world (IoT driven) few of us are good enough or lucky enough to achieve great success completely on our own because the world is as liquid as water. We need others to help us. Here is where networks come into the picture. When we give more in return than we ever ask of our friends and associates, not only will we be able to accomplish much more in life, but will also make the entire experience much more enjoyable thus becoming a permanent leader in the era of networks.

It is clear, however, that without some sort of invisible network of trust throughout the communal system, there can be no money. The trust system has to precede the money. It would be hard to imagine money becoming popular without trust in place first. Money developing before a broad web 1.0 of community trust would be difficult to imagine without Thought Leadership 4.0. Increased communication saves everybody money, which adds to their wealth. Clearly when all this communication is solely digital and focused on leadership the wealth growth is exponential.

Friedrich Hayek, the twentieth century Austrian economist who was a professor at the London School of Economics, put it this way:

“Value is not an attribute or physical property possessed by things themselves, irrespective of their relations to men, but solely an aspect of these relations that enables men to take account, in their decisions about the use of such things, of the better opportunities others might have for their use.”

Humans only know the value of that thing they own after finding out what other people would give them in exchange for it. That is why there is profit to be made in the 4.0 Digital P2P World by roaming the isolated non-digital world and purchasing leadership for resale in your digital store in the Net.

The Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, businessman, and philanthropist Alfred Nobel had an opportunity afforded to very few. When his brother died, the newspaper confused the two and published Alfred’s obituary instead of his brother’s. As he read his own obituary. Alfred realized that the world would remember him for his invention of dynamite – an instrument of destruction. It was because of that experience he decided to fund the Nobel Prizes. Today, most of the world knows his name in connection with humankind’s greatest achievements

In Nobel′s Wikipedia page we can digitally read that “The synthetic element nobelium was named after him. His name also survives in modern-day companies such as Dynamit Nobel and AkzoNobel, which are descendants of mergers with companies Nobel himself established.”. In Thought Leadership terms Napoleon Hill took this factual information a step further to teach all of us a lesson when he, based on Nobel′s example, came up with this leadership message well before Wikipedia did


“It is not the epitaph on your tombstone but the record of your deeds that may perpetuate your name after death”

This illustrative and inspiring example of a Swedish European, with indisputable worldwide success, serves to illustrate why this added leadership value report is presented by European Leadership to a Worldwide Spectrum. A business, professional, or personal relationship that is founded on truth and equality of benefit for the participants is unlimited.

Willing cooperation produces enduring power. No civilization based upon the unjust treatment of its people has ever endured. A tyrant may force the cooperation of others for a time, but that power is never sustained. Only when people are accorded the respect they deserve do they willingly create and maintain successful organizations and societies. When you build a company or an organization based on fairness and justice for every member, you have built a power that will long endure. The best way to secure the commitment and unending cooperation of others is through the simple application of the Golden Rule. It is the most successful and long-lasting management theory ever developed. When you treat others as you would like to be treated were you in their situation, you will inspire loyalty and enthusiastic cooperation. Set high standards for yourself and others, treat them well, let them do their jobs, and they will perform miracles for you.

The link between economic creativity and human uniqueness is well established in successful culture. Physical work is not the only way to manipulate space and time creatively. It is not necessary for everyone to be engaged in shaping, molding, mining, growing, or constructing an object. It is not necessary for everyone to be occupied by transporting the object and neither is it necessary for everyone to be storing things while time passes. One can also effectively manipulate space and time with information and with transactions. It then follows that one can add value simply by conducting transactions with other people. This added value grows exponentially when Leadership Thought combines with the 4.0 Digital P2P World.

In the Industrial Age days, the late Dutch-American Rich de Vos gave many leadership speeches at conferences in which he used a formula which was:

MMW = (NR + HE ) x T
Man′s Material Welfare equals Natural Resources plus Human Energy times Tools

It was something every business person could remember when explaining the business network system. The formula teaches us how to come up with a magic leadership formula for the current Digital World. Here is the magic digital formula:

Digital Leadership equals God Given Equipment plus Principles of Success multiplied by the power of a Proper Leadership Brand

One of those Principles of Success is a Proper Leadership Brand to continuously lead into an increasingly profitable digital world. Few people truly value their assets in their minds to be no more than what they would fetch in a distress fire-sale tomorrow morning. This is incorrect and short-sighted. That is why in this report we speak about the exponential growth of added value leadership in as much human interactions equate to wealth. The reference to God is not religious but spiritual. God Given Equipment represents the state-of-the-art technology that we enjoy in the free world.

How much would your assets be worth right now if the world were coming to an end in one hour after being hit by an unstoppable meteorite?

The correct answer is probably “zero.”

How much would your assets be worth if you and everyone around you were going to live forever?

The correct answer is “probably a great deal,” if for no other reason than the magic of compound interest.

For normal people in normal times, however, life spans are presumed to be somewhere between the next hour and forever. That is lack of leadership which requires spirituality and dreams

Today′s dreams become tomorrow′s realities. Do not belittle the practical dreamer for he or she is the frontrunner of civilization (Napoleon Hill)

During his time Hill explained that at a meeting of science fiction writers, the assembled authors wrestled with a particularly interesting problem. For years, it was commonly understood that a good sci-fi writer imagined things that might actually be possible in about thirty years. The problem is that technology is advancing so rapidly that even the most imaginative of the authors found themselves failing short of the reality that it is possible in today′s world. This statement from Napoleon Hill has become exponentially more important today in the digital world.

Hill also explained that when you reflect upon the possibilities in your business or your area of expertise, allow time for “blue sky” thinking. What might be possible if the factors that currently constrain advancement were eliminated? What trends are likely to affect your business or the way your customers think ? What must you do to stay in the forefront of your profession? In your answers, you may find′s tomorrow innovations The only permanent thing in the entire universe is change. Nothing is the same for two consecutive days. We completely agree with Hill.

The Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder wrote in the first century that “the only certainty in life is that nothing is certain”. Since before those words were penned, human beings have resisted, changed, analyzed it, and attempted to control it – all too little avail. To be successful in today′s high-tech, fast-paced world requires more than a willingness to accept change, we must learn to welcome it enthusiastically. As Alvin Toffler wrote in his bestselling book, Future Shock, in 1984 those who will be successful in the Information Age will be those who, instead of revolting against change, anticipate and embrace it.

Examples of what Toffler said are those who instead of revolting anticipate and embrace digital leadership concepts, the example being this brilliant digital leadership quote:

In the Digital Age, there is no entitlement. To me, it’s as simple as that. No entitlement if you have 100,000 employees, or 10. No entitlement if you are global with 20 offices, or still working out of a garage. As I told Shelley Singh from The Economic Times, Silicon Valley can be displaced and I think India has the hashtag#startup agenda needed to do just that! (John Chambers Chairman Emeritus CISCO, LinkedIn Influencer)

We agree with John. Well before reading his quote in January 2019 we had come up with this list of Leadership 3is (Internet Ideas Incubators)

·        New York

New York Business Leadership

New York Investment Leadership

New York Digital Leadership

Big Apple Social Leadership

·        London

London Business Leadership

London Banking Leadership

London Networks Leadership

London Worldwide Leadership

·        Frankfurt

Frankfurt Business Leadership

Frankfurt Banking Leadership

Frankfurt City Leadership

Frankfurt Investment Leadership

·        Paris

Paris Lifestyle Leadership

Paris Social Life Leadership

Paris Banking Leadership

Paris Diversity Leadership

·        Tokyo

Tokyo Business Leadership

Tokyo Investment Leadership

Tokyo Banking Leadership

Tokyo Technology Leadership

·        India

India Digital Leadership

India Artificial Intelligence Leadership

India Entrepreneurship Leadership

India Silicon Valley Leadership

That said, the list can have as many as 1 million names worldwide using always 2, 3 or 4 word Leadership acronyms. It is therefore open to any recipient of this current report.

The key findings of the present report are 10, here is our detailed decalogue:

1.  The Power of Imagination: One good idea is all you need to birth a fortune

Success is a journey not a destination. Contrary to widespread human belief it is not about making it all complicated. Wikipedia itself explains a fundamental principle: analysis is paralysis. Robin Sharma sums it up very well indeed.

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Richard Branson is known to have said that “Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to keep things simple”

Prestigious institutions seem to indeed support Richard Branson′s view wholeheartedly.

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The Power of Imagination is thoroughly explained in section 1 of this report. It clearly states that you must have a mission statement in life. This is simply a set of guiding principles which clearly state where you are going and where you want to be at the end of your life. A mission statement embodies your values. It is your personal lighthouse keeping you steadily on the course of your dreams. Over a period of one month, set a few hours aside to write down five or ten principles which will govern your life and which will keep you focused at all times.

This basic exercise is something 99% of people do not do in their LinkedIN profile thereby not being able to capitalize and monetize on the World′s P2P Best Digital Asset. In other words, in the 4.0 World some are still in the 0.0 world whilst many do not go beyond a testimonial 1.0 world. This is the picture according to Forbes since 2013

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2.  A Definite Chief Aim: All you need is a definite goal based on a personal dream

The key-note of this entire lesson in section 2 of the report may be found in the word "definite." It is most appalling to know that ninety-five per cent of the people of the world are drifting aimlessly through life, without the slightest conception of the work for which they are best fitted, and with no conception whatsoever of even the need of such a thing as a definite objective toward which to strive.

This leadership quote from Walt Disney sums it up brilliantly well…

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Because it comes back to the concepts of ideas and simplicity explained in point 1 coupled with the dream, which is the basis of leadership in as much the true leadership has to be spiritual.

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The Stern′s Swiss doctrine was developed over 5 decades long of excellent leadership worldwide including elbow to elbow work with Peter Drucker in the 80s.

3.  The Ether is itself the success: It is a conductor of all vibrations from sound to thought.

Reading the above heading, if you apply the aforementioned simplicity concepts you should already have an instant revelation as to why Thought Leadership works magically in the Digital P2P World.

If the revelation does not come up then you need to thoroughly read section 3 of this report. In there you will read that for example Paine, the great American patriot and philosopher, described an experience which at one time or another is the experience of every person. Who is there so unfortunate as not to have received positive evidence that thoughts and even complete ideas will "pop" into the mind from outside sources? What means of conveyance is there for such visitors except the ether? Ether fills the boundless space of the universe. It is the medium of conveyance for all known forms of vibration such as sound, light and heat.

Why should it not be, also, the medium of conveyance of the vibration of Thought? Every mind, or brain, is directly connected with every other brain by means of the ether. Every thought released by any brain may be instantly picked up and interpreted by all other brains that are "en rapport" with the sending brain.

All the above which was written decades ago gives you plenty of clues to realize that the Internet is not purely an adds on to TV or Radios but something much bigger and powerful, including of course, high quality Thought Leadership.

However most people are still asleep because only in 1999 Darcy Di Nucci wrote Fragmented Future https://darcyd.com/fragmented_future.pdf. This should be memorized by every single person around the world to come to terms as to how a simple idea can transform the world, Di Nucci wrote an masterpiece, the following needs to be single out

We need to remember that the Web, as we know it, it is a fleeting thing. Web 1.0. The   relationship of Web 1.0 to the Web of Tomorrow is roughly the equivalence of Pong to Matrix

The first glimmerings of Web 2.0 are beginning to appear. Ironically the defining trait of Web
2.0 will be that it won′t have any visible characteristics at all but will be identified only by its underlying DNA structure, HTTP and URLs

The web will be understood not as screenfuls of text and graphics but as a transport mechanism, the ether through which interactivity happens. It will appear on your computer screen, your TV set, your cash dashboard, hand-held game machines and maybe even your microwave.

Does anyone dare saying, 20 years later, that Darcy Nucci was wrong ?

Does anyone dare saying that the Ether Concept of Graham Bell and the Leadership Interpretation of Napoleon Hill were not the precursor of DiNucci′s brilliant Web 2.0 revelation


It all comes down to simplicity. A single PDF paper produced this picture

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The fact that DiNucci′s concept proved so correct comes back to this principle

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Hopefully the reader can understand that as Eleanor Roosevelt, Richard Branson and Darcy DiNucci represent different eras of our humanity they all three cannot be wrong.

Stated simply: A very simple idea is the beginning to become a ′de-facto′ leader in your field. Are you still skeptical?

If you are, The Master Mind concept will resolve your self-limiting beliefs.

(to be continued) next article will be focused from 4 to 10 as follows

4 The Master Mind

5 SQ is the key to successful leadership: The success equation

6 Good organizations: Energy and Education

7.Self-confidence and thought leadership

8 Initiative and Leadership

9 The Secret to Business Success: The Training of Your Mind

10     The trainings

I hope I have provided enjoyable reading in our first article please note below our contact details

Profile 2.0 

Mobile and Semantic Blog 3.0 (URL google) which you can follow internally logged in at LInkedIN but being a follower would not allow you to see the notifications therefore it is always better to be first level contact

Spanish Leadership 3i (Internet Ideas Incubator)

German Leadership

American Leadership

Spiritual Intelligence Leadership

Frankfurt Business Leadership

European Leadership



are all Internet ideas incubatorsonline (3is) which have given shelter to hundreds of concepts of leadership around the world.

Jorge Zuazola, a Basque-Spanish resident in Germany, is the most recommended European to achieve LinkedIN results for the client, user (how to monetize increasing sources of income) or company (how to sell digitally very efficiently) as evidenced by the more than 300 recommendations in his profile for the services it offers on personal branding, digital sales, monetization, employment, time management, financial management, personal goals, career plan and success.

As you can see below in his personal pictures with Vicente del Bosque, Iniesta, Xavi, Puyol and Xani Alonso, The concept was initially created as a hobby by Jorge Zuazola to achieve World Cup gold in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2010 after attending the victory of Spain in Vienna in Euro 2008.

However, from the successive trainings with North American and European gurus, Jorge Zuazola, who already had 2 decades of leadership and network experience, has been able to raise up to nine 3is (Internet Ideas Incubators) that train professionals on the following

-12 steps of business intelligence in LInkediN

- Group as a monetizing asset

- Company Page as Personal Brand and Sales Mechanism

- Strategic Sales Model

- Creation of a community and profitable personal brand 3.0

- German time management model

- Goal-setting model for personal growth

- Financial control model for your personal economy

We advise you to contact Jorge Zuazola when you enter the group. His hobby led him to found digital companies with great success in LinkedIN's economic graph.

Every day, from Monday to Sunday inclusive, at 7.30 pm on the Spanish Leadership Icon Business Intelligence Conference LinkedIn (accessed by connecting with jorge_zuazola on Skype at least 24 hours in advance) you can listen in 15 minutes for free that the secret of success in LinkedIn is on business intelligence screens that at first glance do not know how to use. It is wonderful to hear this privilege information from the comfort of your home or your office.

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#ceo #leadership #thoughtleadership #P2O #H2H #digitalstrategy #salesmanagement #LInkedIN #Pulse #2.0 #3.0 #4.0 #dreamscometrue #dreams #management #success #expert #IoT #SEO #SXO #sales #drucker #mintzberg #SQ #spiritualintelligence# spiritualintelligenceleadership # goals #digitalization #economicgraph #zuazola #jorgezuazola #management #craft #art #europeanleadership #spanishleadership #germanleadership #americanleadership #frankfurtbusinessleadership# worldwideincubatorsleadership #3i #InternetIdeasIncubators #Entrepreneurship #Profitability #Abundance#neuralnetworks #neuralnetworksleadership #PopeFrancis# PapaFrancisco

Félix de Andrés Perez-Cejuela ????

Ejecutivo Financiero con Perspectiva CFO. Mentor. Transformación Digital. Fundador de Horizontal Management Leadership 4.0 . Power BI

5 年

Thank you, dear Jorge Zuazola, for your kind mention, an honor and a pleasure for me!! Your post is a reference for those who want to leader anywhere in the world. Congrats. I am looking forward to knowing about your next article!!!

Prof. Jagdish Khatri

Corporate Trainer I Keynote Speaker I Author I Ex-Chair Holder-UNESCO Network Chair I Global Goodwill Ambassador I Awarded as Professor of Excellence

5 年

Congratulations Dear Jorge Zuazola?for producing such an insightful document on Leadership! It's worth preserving!?


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