ESPN did this 30 for 30 series back in 2009 that was pretty cool. I thought for my 40th birthday, I'd share 40 lessons I've learned in no particular order of importance.
Which ones do you agree or not agree with? What would you add to the list?
- Tell a story make a point Thank you to David Brooks during my Toastmasters days for this lesson. Whether it's public speaking, sales pitch, or just everyday conversation, this has alway been handy. Stories make the point easier to understand. People also remember stories easier. And if they can remember the story, they'll remember the point. Hell, Malcolm Gladwell's books are just 300 pages of stories to make one point.
- The quality of your questions determine the quality of your answersSorry but yes there are dumb questions, which will beget dumb answers.
- Hope is not a strategy
- Control the controllableI believe in doing everything you can to affect the outcome. When you've done that but the result is still not quite what you had imagined, it's not worth it to get overly stressed out about it.
- Happiness is a choiceIt took me a while to learn this but we have a choice in how we react to the world. We can dwell on the negative or find the silver lining and a positive path forward.
- TravelThe best thing you can spend money on in your 20's is a rail pass. Travel makes you resourceful, connect with the rest of the world, understand different culture through their food, and perhaps realize how we have more in common than in differences. I seriously believe American foreign policies wouldn't be so piss poor if Americans traveled more.
- Comparison is the thief of joyHow often do you end up more neg after going on social media and seeing other people's vanity metrics? Easier said than done, but finding out what you're made of and compete against yourself is pretty fun.
- Money is a tool, not KPI for successIf you measure success by your bank account, it will never be enough.
- Compounding interest is the most powerful tool in the worldPretty soon, a tiny snowball can turn into an avalanche.
- Focus on communications, sales, and leadership skills earlyI didn't know what I wanted to do when I was in college, but I knew no matter what I was going to need these three skills, which is why I did Toastmasters, sold books door to door, and read a bunch of management books. It doesn't matter if you're the President, a parent, or a bus driver you gonna need them.
- You will get everything you want if you help enough people get what they wantThank you Zig Ziglar. I have always found when you give first it comes back to you 10 folds. People can spot those that lead with their self-interest from a mile away. They tend to overuse the word "collab."
- You don't need everyone to like you - 46% can make you presidentIt's funny in high school everyone wants to the same and be accepted and once you get to college everyone wants to be different. It's a self-discovery journey to find what makes you uniquely you and have the confidence to stand behind it. Not everybody likes how I do things, including starting sentences with conjunctions. Maybe I cuss a little too much. But there's equal number of people that dig it. So F the haters.
- Action cures fearOur greatest enemy is the thing between our ears. Worrying gets us nowhere other than spiraling out of control in our heads. Create a plan and work the plan.
- If it were easy, everybody would do itI've made a career in doing hard things. Maybe I'm sick and twisted. Maybe I like the challenge.
- There are two types of horses: workhorse and showhorse.Oh how I wish it would be easier to not hire the showhorses...
- Attitude > aptitude
- Aim for 3-1 risk/rewardFrom my trading days. Entrepreneurship to me is not about taking on risk but how to eliminate risk and create outsized returns.
- Fast, cheap, and good - pick 2
- Jockey > horse. All investments comes down to 3 things: team, product, and market. The team is the most important of all.
- Go where the puck is goingIf you do the same thing everybody is doing you'll get the same returns. You don't always have to be right, but you need to project out the possibilities. Maybe it's because I played Go when I was young but I do pride myself in seeing things not for what they are but what they could be.
- We're permanent betasMe v40.0 is not the finished product still. There's lots to learn and improve each day.
- You are what you think aboutAnother Southwesternism for those that sold book and have caught on. It is truly amazing though how your realities line up with what you believe.
- You are not the customerThank you Elizabeth Stearns. Read that 3 more times if you're a marketer or entrepreneur. Are you building something people truly want or is this how people would use it? Are you making the necessary pivots to adapt to your findings? The #1 reasons people fail I find is they sit in an ivory tower and build products in a vacuum or thinking a business is built by tinkering with numbers in an Excel cell.
- Different is better than betterBetter is temporary. Better is replicable. Different is a sustainable long term competitive strategy
- Content content content
- People love to buy they hate being soldThe greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist. The greatest pitch is one that the prospect doesn't feel like being pitched.
- Price ≠ value. Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. There's always someone willing to do it cheaper. If you compete on price it's a pure race to the bottom.
- You can't win them allYour time is better spent on actual prospects. Works in dating as well... bc sometimes, he's just not that into you.
- Don't sell the product sell the dreams
- Location location location A good location pays you. Also keep in mind visibility and access.
- Find yourself before you find the dealsThere's a million ways to make a million dollars in real estate. Before you go chasing the next shining object, take the time to check in with yourself on why you're investing, what do you hope to get out of it, and what are you more limited on--is it time or money--to determine what kind of investment makes more sense to you.
- The riches is in the nichesI'll take blue ocean in a small market any day.
- My price your terms, your price my termsExpand the pie. There's more than one way to negotiate.
- You make money on the buy, you get paid when you sellAgain it's about eliminating risks. Risk goes down, value goes up. We're not just rolling the dice when we make an investment. We have a plan and we work the plan. And yes sometimes the plan sucks and you adapt.
- Leverage is a double edge swordI've seen too many deals ruined by the wrong capital stack
- Business is personalPeople say "oh it's just business." While it may be a purely business decision, how you handle it interpersonally still matters.
- Data is apoliticalToo many organizations and leaders let their ego make the decisions it's sad.
- Put yourself on the other side of the tableMy dad has been preaching a version of this my entire life. Inadvertently it's one of the greatest leadership and marketing advise I know. Let's face it, people don't really give an F what you want. If you can empathize from their position, you'll win a lot more than if you stick to your guns.
- Double down on your strengths. Outsource out your weakness
- OU sucks
Realtor|Broker Associate|Dre 01355080 DOI 4248966
1 年Happy Birthday ????????
Real Estate Investments and Development
1 年Thanks for sharing Jason Hsiao ! Very insightful. I know I need to get better at telling stories!
Founder / Entrepreneur / Investor / Journalist / Editor / Photographer / Doctor / Adventurer / Father
1 年Thanks for sharing !
Tax Strategist & CPA Advisor Helping Solo Business Owners Pay Less in Taxes Author of The Profitable Solopreneur Playbook PasadenaTax.CPA Tax Strategy | High-Value CPA Services | Author
1 年I have 2 more additions to your list of 40. 41. In a world vying for attention, hyper-focus is your superpower; direct your energy, not your hours. 42. Your network mirrors your net worth, reflecting the median of your five closest companions.