40 Amazing Social Media Marketing Blogs Everyone Should Follow
40 Amazing Social Media Marketing Blogs Everyone Should Follow
When it comes to the Internet and being successful at marketing you always want to look to emulate what all of the really successful marketers do. After all, to become successful in the first place they had to overcome all of the obstacles that you want to avoid. So, if you do what they are doing now chances are you can avoid more of the pitfalls and become successful much sooner.
One good thing about marketers and especially those involved in Social Media Marketing is that they like to share their knowledge and experiences via a blog on their website. It is through these blogs that they often give away a lot of valuable information and wisdom in hopes to help fellow marketers ,become more successful.
After doing some research on the subject, I put together a list of 40 of the most amazing social media marketers blogs. The list is not in any particular order.
40 Amazing Social Media Marketing Blogs Everyone Should Follow
- Socially Sorted - This blog focuses heavily on all things visual when it comes social media marketing.
- The Future Buzz - This blog comes from Adam Singer who takes Social Media Marketing and SEO very seriously and doesn’t mind pointing out when other marketers are pushing bad concepts.
- SEOmoz Blog - Search Engine Optimization is a very valuable tool in marketing and if you are looking for more valuable tips and ideas, this blog is where you should be looking.
- Copyblogger - Content is King when it comes to the Internet and Social Media Marketing, being a better writer will lead you to be more successful and this blog has so much valuable information for you.
- Marketing Pilgrim - If you are looking for a blog that offers a variety of information including “How tos” posts, then this is the one for you.
- Social Business - With this blog from Jennifer Leggio you will find many of the trends in Social Media Marketing being discussed at length. With hundreds of posts you will definitely learn a lot.
- Marketing Top Rank Online Blog - On this blog they focus heavily on posting about search engine and social media marketing. Many of their posts are in the form of informational lists.
- Chris Brogan - Chris Brogan is a successful author and speaker who shares plenty of his experiences and knowledge with his readers through his many hundreds of posts on his blog.
- Brian Solis - Brian Solis is thought to be one of the best sources for information on Social Media Marketing through his many very detailed posts.
- Convince and Convert - This blog from Jay Baer is an a great resource for information on Social Media Marketing that can help almost anyone improve their conversion rates.
- Techipedia - This blog from Tamar Weinberg is great source of information covering a wide range of topics from search to Facebook
- Search Engine Land - This blog features tons of resources for the person who is into search engine marketing
- ProBlogger - This is the perfect resource for the person who wants to get advice on improving their own blog.
- Peter Shankman - Peter Shankman prefers to keep things interesting on his social media blog in order to keep his readers interested in his content.
- Groundswell - This is a companion blog to the book of the same name by social media guru Josh Bernoff.
- Bad Pitch Blog - This blog is dedicated to bringing attention to bad practices used by other marketers.
- Social Media Explorer - This blog is from Jason Falls and he writes mostly posts about how social media has impacted marketing.
- B2BBloggers - Jeremy Victor created this blog that focuses mainly on all things B2B marketing and how to use social media to your advantage.
- Six Pixels of Separation - Mitch Joel first built a successful Internet marketing business and now he is looking to share all that he has learned with all of his readers.
- The Measurement Standard - KD Payne is one of the best at measuring, analytics knowing how best to use the data.
- Danny Brown - Danny Brown’s blog is much different than most social media blogs in that he doesn’t focus on telling “How to”, instead he drills down much deeper to find the meaning of things
- Socialmouths - Francisco Rosales built this blog into one of the top rated blogs by covering a wide range of topics centering around online marketing and how to be more successful at it.
- Pamorama - Pam Dyer is the person behind this blog and she has helped thousands of people figure out how to succeed in online marketing through social media blogging
- Jenn Herman - Jenn Herman has become one of the most recommended bloggers on the internet when it comes to social media and all things marketing.
- Jon Loomer - Jon Loomer is a successful entrepreneur, internet marketer and social media guru whose blog focuses mainly on using Facebook to your advantage.
- {grow} - This is Mark Schaefer’s companion social media blog that goes hand in hand with his highly successful Businessgrow.com website.
- Ohsopinteresting - This social media blog was created to share the author’s knowledge of Pinterest and how it can be successfully used in online marketing.
- Seth Godin - Seth Godin is a highly successful entrepreneur and social media expert
- Pam Moore - Pam Moore is the founder of a very successful blog called Marketing Nutz which a very popular online marketing and social media blog
- Andy Lark - Andy Lark is one of the top dogs at Dell and as the Vice President of Global Marketing and Communication he command immediate respect from even the most successful marketers
- Presentation Zen - Garr Reynold’s shows that it is very important to be a good storyteller when it comes writing successful marketing content from his
- Buffer Social - Buffer Social is an unique blog that seeks to answer the reader’s questions through well researched blog posts
- ICC Marketing Pro -Internet Coaching Club is the highly popular blog from Haley fox
- Peg Fitzpatrick - Is a highly successful marketer and her blog is a mixture of social media and marketer advice
- RazorSocial - This blog focuses heavily on pointing out the best social media marketing tools
- Rebekah Radice - Through its series of blog posts the author helps to teach the reader about social media marketing
- Simply Measured - Shows fellow marketers how use data to make the best decision possible
- Sprout Social - This blog is filled with very useful content covering social media marketing
- The Social Media Hat - The content on this blog gets to heart of blogging and delivers high quality
- Duct Tape Marketing - For those business owner looking for advice on strategy and tactics for building a successful online business
Hope this list helps you!
xox Haley Fox