4 Years Of Unemployment - What I Learned That Is Now Super Valuable To Future Employers?
Is unemployment a choice? I believe it is. "Employment" for me started when I was 16. My first "real" job, was a Pizza hut pizza creator in Vallejo, Ca. As a teenager, working was a badge of honor in my era, to be able to provide for yourself, buy your own clothes, it was a big step into adulthood.
A year after my Pizza Hut experience, I realized I was not cut out for that type of work.
I realized Independence came with a cost. Back then $4.75 was minimum wage independence. I had enough of pepperoni and cheese pizzas. I figured out that I would prefer to join the Marine Corps and risk dying in Desert Storm was a better alternative then rolling Pizza. Some would disagree, but this is when I learned we all have choices to make. Some chose facebook over linkedin, we all have difficult decisions to make. :)
During the Marines, I was introduced to S.A.L.T.S. Streamlined Automated Logistics Transmission Systems, fancy word for Internet Technology. What I learned from that introduction, I learned that technology was the future and I made a choice. To embrace it.
That begin my life in technology. No waiting for pizzas out of the oven.
I learned in the Marine Corps, take chances, move forward and most of all embrace technology. It makes life easier. After the Marine corps, during college, I embraced corporate internet's, aka, Intranet's, Internet's and the future of communicating with employee's and customers.
17 years later, CRM Systems, Digital Marketing, Salesforce, Silverpop, TFS, Sharepoint, Marketo, InfusionSoft, Dynamic CRM's, Email Marketing, I have become a different type of vet. 16 years in I.T. getting my hands dirty, I am " 2x veteran."
Let me get to the unemployment part.
This is where the story really begins, at 36 year old, I am managing CRM systems for Allergan Pharmaceutical and I have worked on a ton of projects. I am managing Digital Marketing in Latin America, In Canada, in Europe, and in the United States. For two years we were hearing rumors of layoff's, of buyouts, of things happening in Corporate America, where everyone could be terminated at anytime. As a consultant, and over the years, you get immune to the rumors, you know to just do your job. As an employee, the worry is a little different and the culture sometimes becomes toxic.
Layoff's did occur, and what I seen as a Consultant is the employee's go first in this scenario. First layoff, all employee's. Second layoff employee's and a few problem managers. The third layoff's came after Allergan was purchased by Actavis.
As the CRM Expert, I had a job to do, and as a Marine, we do not quit. As a marine, we were taught to adapt and overcome. During the time of the layoff's I was heavily involved in trading. I am not only involved in trading, I am involved in Crypto Currencies trading. In my mind, I am embracing technology.
Purchasing crypto currency at the time was very easy, there were limited people selling it, Coinbase was just getting started. About 6 months after I really started buying crypto currency, I realized, I was being phased out, I was training new cheaper full time employees. My consulting contract was coming to an end, and after 16 years of straight work, I was a little ready.
My investments in crypto, were already starting to pay off, I mean, I had 16 years of great CRM and Marketing Experience. As a consultant, there are many projects that may need you. I decided to embrace the future. I noticed a trend in the world, I noticed the momentum shifting, I realized I really enjoyed Crypto Currencies and I was buying in at the right time. The beginning of 2017, I was phased out and I was an official crypto currency adopter.
During this time, all my friends, families, business associates, decided they wanted into crypto as well. They came to me. The I.T. Guy, the CRM guy, I was able to build a business Peer To Peer. This I thought was the future.
Crypto Currency has taught me two things about business. The future of business is peer to peer. It has reminded me that we are all connected and we have a lot of value to provide one another. Working in Corporate America, you can make yourself valuable, but business will continue with you or without you. As someone of value, technology will evolve, you must embrace it, you must take a chance learning new things. The chance you take today, becomes more valuable to those around you later.
For four years, I was learning the ideals of block-chain, the in's and out's of crypto currency. The CRM business, the marketing automation, the digital marketing, it has given me the opportunity to utilize new platforms, to learn new strategies that allow smaller brands to compete with the bigger brands.
Utilizing technology, you can basically automate every aspect of your business. Utilizing crypto currency, its not only an alternative currency, it's a peer to peer network, a peer to peer relationship, a shift in marketing.
Businesses like Disney have embraced the peer to peer. The new Disney offers videos on demands, and no longer allows netflix to profit off of there content. Disney is embracing the offering of media products directly to the consumer.
The subscription based models, similar to what I have had in the crypto world, is becoming a large part of the SAAS world. Working with new clients, I have been able to help them embrace the future technology, to communicate directly with there customers.
4 years of figuring out the in's and out's of marketing crypto currency, blockchain crms all happens because I decided to embrace new technology, to take advantage of time. Now, I am not recommending anyone go take 4 years and do nothing, I am saying, if you have a passion, and then you have an opportunity, embrace the newness of it all.
There is a huge opportunity to sell direct, to market globally, to evolve and automate your business. Learn as much as you can, embrace whatever it is you love about your business or career. The more you accept and embrace change, the more opportunities you will produce out of these same circumstances.
If you want to get in touch with me then leave me a note here or contact me at [email protected]