#4. A yarn with Owen, "The Big O", McCall
Ryan Ashton
AFQY + Smartspace.ai + GOVERNANCE4 ~ Fractional Client Engagement | Community Builder | People & Culture | Technology | MC | Mental Health Advocate
Welcome to the fourth of a series of interviews called “A Yarn with (First name here)â€
The aim is to interview AFQY "characters", asking them the same set of questions. The questions are based on the language and principles of AFQY, so it's great to get someone else's perspective!
1st: A yarn with Pauls "The Dragon"
2nd: A yarn with Brent "The Aussie"
3rd: A yarn with Te Omeka "The Generous"
The questions are based on how I explain AFQY when introducing the concept at an AFQY event; if you have attended before, and heard me explain the concept, you'll recognise a few of the questions . So here we go, grab a coffee and I hope you enjoy:
I'm pretty sure I first spoke with Owen at a CIO Summit, I recognised him from the famous cover of the CIO Magazine with his photo of him in the "red shirt". Daunting as it was for me as a young Computerworld account manager to approach one of NZ's leading CIO's, and "cover-boy" of the CIO Magazine, his manner quickly made me feel like one of the gang, a sign of his leadership capabilities I have enjoyed throughout our relationship. Don't get me wrong, he also calls things how they are and has called me out, with fair justification. Owen is a self-proclaimed "Contrarian" and he can really make you think, sometimes I feel like Daniel from the Karate kid trying to decipher the meaning of a riddle from Mr Myugi, once achieved you are enlightened.
Leading up to these mind-bending pieces of advice, I remember Owen attending an early AFQY at upstairs of The Drake along with Andrew Crabb, Brent Bailey, and about 40 other people; I stood on a chair to introduce everyone. It was a moment in time for AFQY I'll never forget, such positivity in the room about sharing a quiet yarns.
Owen's kindness doesn't end there, he runs "The life game project" which is something you should lend a hand to, I have done a little myself, no surprise it was to introduce a person who networked the printer to the computers, so the parents of the kid could print CV's... the rest of the story and what that is about you'll have to ask Owen about.
On that note, as is the theme of "A yarn with...", is sharing the 'human side' of people, not just their business thinking which we'd normally be accustomed too hearing about. Where you can learn what makes the person tick...
What's your name?
Owen McCall
Where are you from? (Country & City)
West Otago, New Zealand
Ryan: That is Gore isn't it? Good trout fishing and people ;-)
Which AFQY event have you attended?
Numerous yarns over the years
Ryan: Yes thank you for your support and a good yarn or two ;-)
Tell us about the kids, the cat and the dog?
4 kids + 1 wife. 2 children have left home for Uni. None have left the wallet however and the other 2 are at high school. They are all great kids and usually display much more maturity than I do. As for my wife, the glue of our family and patience of a saint which probably goes without saying given she has put up with me for so long.
What do you do? (Not just your title, but a bit about what you do)
I'm an independent adviser to CIO's and senior executives. The question I help them to answer is how do I get value from my IT investments? (because most companies don't!!)
Ryan: Owen, most people are going to think the same as I and wonder, 'don't companies get some value, or at least the intended value?', what are we missing?
Whats your philosophy on doing business?
Always try for win-win and I am very focused on doing what I love with people I like.
Ryan: Yes, if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life as the saying goes.
What was the motivation to start your own business? Whats your motivation for what you do? (The Why)
There are a lot of reasons. Let's start with freedom / Independence, the ability to really directly control my own destiny daily. And let's finish with I think I have message that people need to hear (you can get value from technology and this is how ...) and I want to push that message.
Ryan: You have a personal value to share, that is able to help others gain value from technology beyond the obvious.
What's your favourite quote, cliche or similar?
There are so many but I think this one wins “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!†― Hunter S. Thompson
Ryan: Ok, so what do you ride?
Can I have a card? Or give me a look at your brand?
Look here - https://owenmccall.com/
Ryan: Cool, that's the idea of that question.
What sport or activity do you enjoy?(Watching, playing, supporting)
Rugby, basketball and cricket. Very traditional.
Ryan: So would Lock, Forward and N0.5 Batsman be about right? (As you the positions your played)
Where is the most interesting place you've visited and why? (Work or play)
Ummm, I'm going to go with the African overland trip we did as a family. Great trip and really bought the family together.
Ryan: Sounds inspiring.
What’s the most important lesson you've learnt in business and in life? (Can be the same one or one each)
It all starts with me! That's is how I react, what I do, what I think about sets my reality.
Ryan: We are masters of our own destiny.
What do you care about and why? (Sunny days is not an answer)
Family, a better New Zealand and making a difference in some way.
Ryan: What could be a quick win and a long term success for a better NZ?
Tell me a personal story that works with AFQY?
Might need to come back to this one.
Ryan: no rush, and no obligation to answer... this is AFQY.
If you had your time again, what would you do differently? (some CEO's answer that question, paraphrased to, "I'd be married to my wife not my job and I would know my children, not my work...")
Not a whole lot except ..... drink less red wine (maybe) and buy more real estate!!
Ryan: Drink less wine and maybe more bourbon as you broadside skid in a cloud of smoke?
What's your handle, or nickname? (Can everyone use it? And how did you get it?)
Big O - I reckon you can figure it out
What type of person do you not stand for?
Some one who doesn't follow through or make good.
Ryan: Same, I think all AFQY people will think similar - and taking a leaf out of Te Omeka book (A yarn with #3), I have been guilty of that, and have a few dreams still yet to make reality, I think the key for me what is the intent.
What would you like to share with AFQY and why?
Ryan: It's not like you to be so quiet Owen? ;-)
Many thanks for your input Owen, if getting to know you over the course of AFQY which is about 7 years, I hope in a small way it's added to your cloud of smoke from your skid, I'm sure you have added a lot to a range of AFQY attendees/mates including my own.
Ryan Ashton
Cheif Yarner
A Few Quiet Yarns