4 Ways We Make Coding Professional At Seven Academy
Our students will tell you. The internet is full of free online resources and communities.
In other words, it’s never been easier to study coding alone. Even if you’re coming from a non-computer science background.
In this article, I want to show you the value of studying at Seven Academy.
4 Ways We Make Coding Fun and Professional At Seven Academy.
1. “While we teach, we learn.”
The great philosopher Seneca said that.
It describes what’s known as the Protégé Effect: students who teach other students tend to score higher and do better than those learning just for themselves.
2. Coding is a team sport.
In the professional world, no piece of significant software is built by just one person. So if your goal isn’t just to learn to code, but to be hired as a developer, you have to start learning how to collaborate with a team.
You can learn to code alone just as you can teach yourself to play violin—but that doesn’t mean you’ll know how to play in an orchestra.
Learning to code with others doesn’t just help your learning experience—it helps the outcome.
3. Coding is creative; creativity comes from collaboration.
A diversity of perspectives is invaluable to programmers, both in a job and while in school.
A common misconception is that programming is rigid and mathematical. In reality, it’s a creative craft—there are limitless ways to solve the same programming problem, which invites each student's creative approaches.
These are some of the basis on which we enrolled students in our scholarship programs.
4. It’s more fun to do things together.
I also believe that in-person coding training is one way to guarantee you learn with a community - your mates. Getting the possibility to share ideas during your training with experienced developers at our incubation centre is invaluable in your career.