Eddie Lopez
High Performance Strategist| USAF Veteran Former D1 Athlete| Transformational Speaker Helping You Bring Out Your Best
.....is it summer yet?? Well, according to our good ol pal Google, the first day of the summer season starts on June 20th; that's of course unless you live in sunny Arizona like myself where the days have reached in the upper 90's months ago. So what does the upcoming heat wave have to do with your bathroom scale?? Dropping a few pounds and toning up is a common goal in the summer (so is sipping on Mai Tai's). If traveling the beaches of the world, attending pool gatherings, or watching the entire series of House of Cards is on your bucket list for this summer, I'm going to show you how you can build a lean physique and tip the scale in your favor.
Tip #1 Don't get obsessed with the scale
Our weight fluctuates day to day, hour to hour and not only depends on what you have eaten but also how recently you've payed a visit to the restroom and how frequently you've hydrated. Ladies may experience weight gain through water retention or edema which is influenced by fluctuations in hormonal levels which occur during a woman's menstrual cycle, (My lady clients make sure to keep me educated). There are several other factors that can fluctuate your day to day weight. Just remember, if you are human, it is absolutely NORMAL for our body weight to fluctuate 1 -5 lbs a day. Don't sweat the small stuff, don't get to caught up in a numbers game and instead focus on your increased energy levels and the way your clothes start to fit on you.
Tip #2 Don't skip breakfast
While you may not be hungry first thing in the morning, forcing yourself to eat or drink something is one of the most beneficial things you can do. Have you ever found yourself trading breakfast for a fast cup of coffee? You may want to rethink that and continue reading. Though you may not have an apatite first thing in the morning, remember that you've been asleep for the past 6 to 8 hours and your body has not received any nourishment, that's unless you have snacks underneath your pillow, but that's a topic for another day. That is a heck of a long time for our bodies to go without any substance and the best thing you can do to start your day and jump start your metabolism is to get some fuel in you. Think of yourself as an exotic beautiful car, you can't expect it to perform at it's best without any fuel. The same goes for your body, eating a well balanced breakfast will supplement you with the energy that you need in the morning, help you focus and concentrate during the day and help speed your metabolism so that you burn more calories over the entire course of the day.
Tip #3 Drink at least one gallon of water per day
I didn't say Diet Soda or Cool Aid. Water is not only crucial for fat loss, it helps boost your metabolism, cleanses your body of waste, and acts as an appetite suppressant. Water is one of the most important elements in the human body. It makes up about 60% of our bodies, more or less. Every single cell in your body needs water to function properly. If your working out it's that much more important to stay hydrated. Your performance can take a plummet and a little as a 2% loss of fluids can have a noticeable affect on your athletic abilities.
Tip #4 Integrate HIIT Training into your workouts
If you'd like to torch the maximum amount of calories in a short period of time, I'd suggest you start HIIT training. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training and has muscle building and fat burring benefits. Research shows that you can achieve more progress in a mere 15 minutes of interval training (done three times a week) than the girl jogging on the treadmill for an hour. If your a busy body or workaholic and can't seem to leave the office, take 15 minutes out of your day and start HIITing. Intense circuits also stimulate muscle-building hormones like growth hormone and IGF-1. This puts your body in a perfect state to build lean mass. And in addition to the hormone response, interval training also develops the cardiovascular system. By elevating your heart rate during periods of hard work, you’ll increase your cardio ability and strengthen your heart. During the short rest intervals, you also increase your recovery capabilities, meaning you’ll be able to recover faster in future workout sessions.
I hope you enjoyed this short article and decide to use these 4 simple yet powerful tips to tip the scale in your favor. Feel free to leave your thoughts, send me a message or leave your comments below.
Eddie Your Body Transformation Expert
Direct Support Professional at POG
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