4 ways technology can help us reach net zero emissions

4 ways technology can help us reach net zero emissions


Technology helped shape the world we live in. And as the climate crisis intensifies, innovative solutions have the potential to help safeguard it.

Smart digital technologies like AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), automation and blockchain are transforming the way we live and work, and provide new opportunities for companies to embrace more sustainable products, services, systems and practices.

Organizations are increasingly exploiting the power of innovation and technology to boost operational efficiency, create leaner, more energy-efficient products and leverage the opportunities green solutions present to reach net zero emissions.

As part of a commitment to make its own operations carbon neutral by FY2030 and achieve carbon neutrality throughout its entire value chain by FY2050, Hitachi is partnering with Imperial College London to launch a decarbonization research center, for example.

Initial research will focus on areas like carbon management and ways to decarbonize energy and transport using new technologies and nature-based solutions.

Here are four ways Hitachi is using cutting-edge technology to help usher in a net zero future.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Decarbonizing with data?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Many companies have announced net zero targets, but reducing emissions isn’t a simple process.

Part of the challenge relates to accurately recording the volume of greenhouse gases a business emits, which is essential to implement an effective decarbonization strategy and monitor progress on reducing emissions.

Accurate measurement is easier for Scope 1 and 2 emissions, which stem from a company’s on-site operations and the energy that powers them.

But the challenge increases for Scope 3 emissions, which are indirect emissions generated when products are consumed: these include emissions created when products are transported by suppliers, utilized by consumers and during disposal. Scope 3 emissions often form a major proportion – typically 80-90% – of a company’s total carbon footprint.


To address this challenge, Hitachi Rail and partners have developed a digital Carbon Accounting Engine that crunches big data to estimate the true carbon footprint of supply chains. Using this technology, the company can work with its suppliers to identify areas of high emissions in their operations and address them by adopting a best-climate-practice approach to business. This promotes greater understanding and awareness of sustainability issues among suppliers, as well as what actions they can take to decarbonize.

Cleaner and smarter electrical grids??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Hitachi is aiming to become a climate change innovator, combining its green technology and digital capacity to support cities, governments and companies’ efforts to cut carbon dioxide emissions.


Electricity demand is set to triple by 2050, according to McKinsey & Company’s Global Energy Perspective 2022 report. This makes the transition from fossil fuel dependence to clean energy imperative.

Hitachi Energy supports the expansion of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.

Technologies like AI, IoT, blockchain solutions and smart meters can help build more efficient, reliable and sustainable energy infrastructure that promotes and supports the burgeoning renewables industry. Digital solutions like these can help visualize how much energy is being used in each building to maximize cleaner sources of energy.

Data-driven solutions can also help tackle water pollution and waste, with advanced applications for seawater desalination, water leakage prevention and managing water supply pipes that connect homes to water purification plants.

Factories and manufacturing plants can also leverage smart technologies to boost operating efficiency and reduce waste – manufacturing accounts for around a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions and more than half of global energy consumption.

Advanced EV infrastructure??????????????????????????????????

The road to net zero is set to be populated with electric vehicles (EVs) as motor manufacturers switch away from high-polluting petrol and diesel, but mobility solutions need to be sustainable, connected and equitable.

Global sales of electric and hybrid vehicles have grown exponentially in recent years, from around 760,00 in 2016 to a projected 8.6 million in 2023. And sales are forecast to double from that level by 2027.


Hitachi Astemo is helping develop state-of-the-art infrastructure and connected software solutions that advance the EV revolution. The technologies being worked on range from electric power trains to vehicle chassis, from autonomous and advanced driver assistance systems to smart road and software solutions – and all are helping the mobility sector’s drive to decarbonize.

Protecting rainforests with bio-acoustics and big data????

Rainforests are one of the planet’s largest natural storage systems for CO2 and are home to myriad animal, bird and insect populations.

When tree canopy is lost, not only do we lose valuable ecosystems and biodiversity, but previously stored CO2 is also released into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.


Deforestation accounts for 10% of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions, with much of this from illegal logging and land clearances. Every two seconds an area of rainforest equivalent in size to a standard soccer pitch is destroyed.

Hitachi Vantara uses bio-acoustics and big data solutions to help combat this environmental challenge, applying cloud computing to listen for the sounds of illegal logging.

Working with operatives from Rainforest Connection, mobile technology systems are positioned in rainforest treetops – known as ‘guardians’ – to listen to logging activity. Sounds, which are uploaded to the cloud, alert rangers on the ground to investigate illegal activity.?

Tools that can predict – and prevent – deforestation before it occurs could save trees and animal habitats, while reducing the amount of CO2 that’s released.

The technical revolution has the power to transform the world we live in, opening up new possibilities for a more efficient and sustainable future. Companies that embrace the potential of innovation and smart technologies will be well placed to survive, thrive and bring about positive change. Our future depends on it.

#Technology #Emissions #NetZero #Energy #Transition #SmartTechnologies #Innovation #Sustainable

Arun PK

Hardware and Datascience Leader | Sustainability | IIM-Lucknow

7 个月

Absolutely technology can play a key role to create sustainable solutions like IoT and AI combination can improve the efficiencyand build smart city which can consume less natural resource without compromising the comfrot and convenience. Thank you Hitachi for sharing.



