4 ways to stop the unauthorized sharing of the research reports within the industry research sector
“There are some types of research reports that market research companies only want certain authorized individuals or organizations to view, thereby highlighting the need of some level of protection and control. Here are the four ways that they need to adopt to protect their content from unauthorized sharing.”
?Over the years, the market research companies have become considerably exposed to unauthorized share that give access to their copyright-protected data or work without receiving permission, leading to lost efforts and revenue loss. And, the damage is even more when at times, these companies come up with certain confidential or sensitive types of research reports that they have designed to only be seen by a specific audience, and possibly for only a limited time. But, unfortunately they find themselves helpless when it comes to preventing of its unauthorized sharing, insider theft, or any other type of digital leaks.
In this article, we will provide insight into four ways through which you can prevent the unauthorized sharing of the research reports within the industry research sector.
1.????Stop sharing the reports on the e-mails
Unarguably, e-mail is the most common method used by the market research companies for sharing their research reports. But, is this secure and reliable way? Definitely ‘not’; as email is not encrypted and so there are high chances of data breach.
It continues to be the most frequent way used by hackers to access networks, and it should never be used to send sensitive and confidential information. As per a report by Egress research, “data is most at risk on email, with 83% of organizations experiencing email data breaches”. Besides, there is also risk of confidentiality as it may end up being forwarded to unauthorized recipients.
?Alternatively, if you do have to share your reports over e-mail, then the best possible option is to use only business e-mail ID for the transfer of the document to safeguard its confidentiality.
2.????Review & analyze the logs of user views
Security logs are widely used to monitor data, and all kinds of networks activities. Reviewing and analyzing login attempts and user views or activities can provide insight into any kind of anomalies that reveal the presence of your document leaks. Accordingly, you can take requisite steps to stop it before any serious damage occurs.
Consider this, if for example you have logs of futile attempted logins for one user, then you can undertake an investigation to see if it is indeed the case of the user simply forgetting password, or if an unauthorized person is trying to get through your report (s) or document. So, it is essential to monitor logs to ensure keep a check on the user accounts, to detect unusual activities such as login by unfamiliar users or systems, multiple login attempts, login at unusual hours etc.
3.????Avoid using file sharing software
Nowadays, there is also a growing trend of using several excellent file sharing software by market research companies for sharing of their reports and documents such as Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox and others.
But, understandably not all of these file share programs offer robust security. They are not free from risks as these platforms can also sometimes be easy to access by unauthorized users. So, it is advisable not to avoid using these when you are sharing your research reports.
4.????Using Digital Rights Management (DRM) System
Implementing a DRM system is the strongest control methods that market research companies can opt for to protect their research reports from getting unauthorized shared within the industry research sector. This is because the system offers complete control on who has access to your reports. Furthermore, through DRM you are able to permit access to only the specified audience with certain restrictions placed on the content such as not allowing sharing, printing, or copying. Moreover, you can also impose certain limits on the user such as IP address, device, or open limits. And, what more you can also control the access with expiry dates or revoke access at any time if you suspect any data intrusion or fraud.
To sum up, DRM is just like you are locking all your research report in a safe under your desk with only those people getting access to whom you permit to walk through the door and see the documents. The documents stay in your office, and you can easily keep a tab as what the people are doing with the documents.
But, to make the most of the DRM, it is essential that it implemented in the right manner which is only possible through collaboration with right technology partner!
Final thoughts!
Retaining control over how information is shared is a growing challenge for market research companies. Once the reports gets leaked and shared by unauthorized sources the damage done can cost more than just lost revenue. Thus, all the above mentioned data security ways are absolutely needed to be followed in this digital age where unauthorized sharing of reports by getting access to data, has become a common and a growing scenario.