4 Ways to Save Money as a College Student (very easy)
I learnt 4 frameworks that saved me $1200/month.
Start of the month -
End of the month -
That might be funny or overused. Doesn’t matter. It’s facts!
Is this generational?
You’ve most likely faced this issue at least once in your life.
It’s a trap that this generation has fallen into. A lot of people who have become so called ‘modern’ have started living life in easy mode. They take the path of least resistance, which has now become an issue.
More and more people are obese, broke, have no sense of ambition, lazy, usually high or drunk, in clubs partying. Like this is a generation issue.
Not just that, people nowadays are too distracted with what’s going on social media, who said what on a live stream. Like WTF dude.
The amount of drama and woke $h_t people engage with is crazy. Legitimately.
Anyways, you can only change if you know there’s a problem. Unfortunately most people don’t fall into that rabbit hole. But they want to see what Kim Kardashian is up to!!! (I’m silently screaming rn OMG)
4 Frameworks to Save Cash
These methods are literally super easy, the hardest part is controlling yourself. Once you get into the habit of living a clean lifestyle, you’ll beat yourself up for straying away in the first place.
#1 — Learn to cook easy and nutritious food?— Grilled chicken. It’s one of the healthiest meals on the planet and it’s extremely nutritious. For you vegetarians out there, you’ve got Pasta (the healthy version) and a lot of other stuff. All it takes is?one?google search.
‘List of easy and healthy foods’
‘Easy and healthy veg foods’
‘Easy and healthy chicken dishes’
The key words being ‘easy’ and ‘healthy’.
#2 — Stop drugs, alcohol and smoking?— You’d be surprised to see how much cash you save after stopping these bad habits. Plus point,?you live longer.
#3 — It’s not your money!?— The car, the fuel, the entertainment and the food isn’t coming from your bank account. Use public transportation to travel, stop impulsively buying and don’t buy unnecessary items.
The above sentence could easily be divided into two points, but since the idea is simple and you’re grown up. Stop wasting money.
#4 — Make a monthly budget and track your expenses?— Most students don’t know they’ve run out of money until they’ve run out of money.
After that, they roam around and beg for cash from friends. How is nobody embarrassed about this? Make a list of things you have to spend on, collect receipts, see where the money is going.
Once you have the big picture in front of your eyes, you’ll probably be more motivated to stop spending like a lottery winner.
Some of these points may have been obvious to you. But I see people not following this every single day.
You can literally save so much money.Don’t spend it on dumb $h_t.
Time for some more memes that make sense!
Not sure why I’m so into meme’s today.
Ok whatever, this is a short article. Why?
Cuz whatever I said, you probably know. You just needed a reminder. Even if you’re that one guy who didn’t know that you shouldn’t eat burgers all day everyday, it’s still easy to digest?content.
HAHA see what I did there?
So don’t buy that Starbucks coffee, make your own coffee at home.
Don’t eat takeout, cook at home.
There’s no need to party at the club everyday. Most of y’all look like this,
Take?care guys, cuz?Takeout kills.
Till then!
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