4 Ways to Manage Clients Digital Transformation
In recent years, the need to successfully embed yourself within the digital world has been incredibly valuable. If a business doesn’t have a website or an eCommerce store, the simple fact is, they will be missing out on many opportunities for business growth and development. It is estimated that 81% of customers will research online before they purchase a product. They are not inclined to make an urgent purchase, and so this could explain why the UK retail footfall has fallen by over 55.5% year on year.
When compared to figures that show eCommerce accounted for 33.4% of all retail sales in May, it is more clear than ever that going digital is the key to success. However, with the number of those turning to online resources, eCommerce stores, and websites increasing, as a business, being online is not enough on its own. Being able to manage this new surge in digital necessity is crucial, especially when you have clients that are relying on you to help grow and make money.
Create a digital playbook
When you start any task without a plan, you risk not meeting your initial goals due to a lack of timeframe and not laying out the objectives to achieve. On top of that, you also risk missing out on other opportunities that would have bought with it some success.
Therefore, before you go any further, you need to focus on creating the ideal digital playbook. Putting down a plan of action will enable your clients to fully understand the fundamentals that come with working within a digital world, how to approach a project, or simply help them instil a focus and direction. It can be easy to go off on a tangent, putting efforts into scenarios that won’t bring results, such as targeting the wrong customers.
Once you have an initial digital playbook, this can then be tailored to each of your clients, showing how their content, SEO, and social media campaigns will aid their online growth.
Don’t let them become overwhelmed with sales
With the number of people shopping online, for any business, keeping up with the demands can be challenging. Even well-known brands have struggled to keep up with the surge of online sales. Therefore, you need to help them through this process and help them thrive even under pressure. The last thing they want to do is provide slow services or false delivery promises. Preparation is the key here. If they cannot cope with the demand for increased sales, then see what they can outsource.
Then, several steps will need to be taken:
1. Your client will need to inform their customers of any delays.
2. They need to ensure their web host can handle large volumes of traffic.
3. Monitor the number of sales/behaviours/site speed to ensure improvements can be made in the future.
Take advantage of being online
On the other hand, if your client is new to the digital world, too many sales might not be the problem they are facing. Instead, it could be a lack of sales. For your client to benefit from the increase in sales online overall, their online presence must also be increased. Outsourcing for assistance to a white-label SEO marketing company will be the best move in this case. Managed SEO campaigns will offer:
- An increase in traffic
- More trust and credibility
- A better user experience
- A higher ranking position in the SERPs and more
You can learn more about managed SEO campaigns and how they can help in a digital transformation by speaking to a member of our team at Click Intelligence.
It is not just SEO, however, that your client can make the most of when going through a digital transformation. When they want to take advantage of more sales, they need to ensure that their online presence is spread as far and wide as possible. This means using as many channels as possible on social media.
Engaging posts will help humanise their brand, not to mention boost credibility and enhance customer service by replying to any customer queries, for example.
Provide better content
If there is one thing that is going to negatively affect any progress that you make with your clients when moving online, then it is not having great quality content. Whether this is for their link building campaign or their own website, having content that optimised for SEO and customers alike is crucial. Content management is often said to be at the centre of digital transformation and is more than just words on a page. It is a crucial component in building brand awareness and conversions. Without great quality content, trying to benefit from the increase in online sales will be a much harder job.
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