Momentum has an insanely short shelf life. Bottom line: You’re either building it … or losing it. It doesn’t — and never will — hang around until you get your second wind.

This isn’t something I learned from reading a book or article that went viral, by the way. The nature of momentum in business is something I’ve learned from squandering the PILES of momentum that I fought hard and invested much to build.

This is a cautionary tale — and one I am seeing play out right now in a business I’ve had the privilege and HONOR of watching grow.

First things first, momentum builds through concerted effort on multiple fronts. Anything less is simply maintenance, which is worth considering if you seem to be having a REPEAT experience year after year. Step by step, linear business plans that require you to:

  1. do step one, finish it, tie it with a bow, clear your office and then
  2. move on to step two… which you then bring to full completion before
  3. moving on to step three….

will be a lesson in SLOW “success” that may not build fast enough to create true success at all. Slow IS dangerous to a business, as momentum doesn’t ever enter the mix.

ACTION ITEM: A great question to ask yourself daily as an entrepreneur is whether or not you built momentum that day or simply maintained the status quo.

So, the cautionary tale.

I’m no stranger to getting a fire lit under my butt and taking mass action on multiple fronts… filling events, landing speaking gigs, and becoming a media darling all in a short period of time. In those moments, I’m flying high. I’m going to bed proud. I’m EXPECTANT of all amazing things.

But, I’m also struggling with longing for the “good ole’ days” of Michelle-in-maintenance-mode. You know, the easy, cozy setting of my comfort zone. Like the time you lost 10 pounds and then quickly returned to your pre-diet ways…. only to gain the weight back that you lost, leaving you REALLY struggling to regain the momentum you had when losing those first ten pounds.

In any area of our life, we know that BUILDING momentum takes a lot of effort and investment on our part. It takes time, focus, energy, commitment and — yes — sometimes money. And we KNOW that there’s a certain heart sickness we feel when we are faced with the hindsight of the momentum we’ve squandered when we returned to our comfort zone.

And it’s a delicate dance. So, here are the things I’ve allowed to squander untold mountains of momentum. See how many ring true for you:


Burn out is largely a product of doing things you hate in an “the ends justify the means” sort of approach to getting what you want in business. That approach is awful and deceptive. You don’t EVER want to build something in a way you don’t want to maintain it. So, adjusting your hustle to be more aligned with YOUR personality, priorities and preferences will short circuit burn out. When you’re doing work you love and work that REALLY elevates your own personal vibe, burn out won’t be a thing.

But exhaustion might. Even doing the things we LOVE at a pace that is enough to get this plane off the ground can be tiring. Like money, it can feel “wise” to walk / conserve after a hustle. But it’s actually counterproductive. So, just like in a marathon, don’t SPRINT. When you are building that momentum, recognizing the difference between a “sprint” that is unsustainable and a “fast jog” which keeps the momentum going AND GROWING is critical to WILD success.

ACTION ITEM: Where might you adjust your techniques — or pace — so that your business momentum is completely sustainable?


I’m watching a business right now turning down opportunities that she is now poised and ready to completely leverage. I see it clearly because I’ve been there. She’s making “wise money decisions,” which is only wise at first glance… because she has completely slowed her momentum. Her daily pace is CERTAINLY consistent, but it’s a leisurely walk compared to what she was doing before.

I get it. She’s FRUSTRATED because the money isn’t what it should be, and certainly not what it could be. Ummmm… I’ve been there. BUT, now isn’t the time to pack up and go home. It’s a time to STAY visible, FOOT ON THE GAS, while simultaneously looking at the sales side of business. Her only problem: the PRIMARY thing she’s selling is 1) a hard sell 2) high overhead and 3) low profit.

As it stands, she’s withdrawing from leverage opportunities in an effort to make “wise” decisions with her money. And I GET it. But NOT spending isn’t the only way to be wise. Adjusting your menu of services to FULLY monetize the work, hustle, blood, sweat, tears, relationships and momentum you invested is MORE wise.

I wasted many years thinking I didn’t have the money to invest, or that it would be FOOLISH to invest, when really…. I was keeping fuel OFF my fire… delaying wild success, playing small, timid and safe.

ACTION ITEM: What do you KNOW you need to do, where do you KNOW you need to be… but you’ve “held back” to save money?


  • Jealousy over those who were making faster progress than me, or at least appeared to be.
  • Frustration over opportunities or clients or whatever that I “deserved,” but went elsewhere.
  • Doubt over whether I’d ever REALLY make it, or maybe my idea wasn’t that great to begin with.
  • Feeling sorry for myself because I had obstacles others didn’t seem to have.
  • Fear wondering about “what if” concerns.
  • Doubt over my ability to really shift certain situations, or break out of certain patterns.
  • Resentment that things weren’t working out the way I imagined.

I could go on and on, but getting stuck in your head is a fast pass to inaction and momentum loss. This is why I start EVERY day with items that re-direct my mind and serve up a piping hot DAILY dose of #EntrepreneurialEspresso for Women Who WOW members. These little mini-sermons and journal prompts are designed to get them OUT of their heads and into their potential FAST.

ACTION ITEM: Journal on this: I now choose and decide ________________. Write in your goals, decisions, and commitments.


I’m not a fan of persisting in actions that aren’t working. Persistence is ONLY an asset when you’re persisting in actions that ARE working. =) Still, I see a lot of women giving up too soon, and I have been that woman.

The BEST approach to persistence is a COMMITMENT to the ends and NO LOYALTY to the means. Don’t want to quit just before payday? make THIS your commitment:

In pursuing this goal, I will do WHATEVER IT TAKES, and I will continue for AS LONG AS IT TAKES.

Don’t withdraw or give up… even for a season… if you want the benefit of momentum. Instead, just pivot your approach.

Bottom line, woman… =) Momentum is hard to build. Don’t squander it. Keep going. Keep growing. You’ve got this!


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