4 Ways Companies Get the Most Out of Their Cloud Investment

4 Ways Companies Get the Most Out of Their Cloud Investment

The cloud. It sounds like this big, shiny thing everyone keeps talking about, but how do companies actually squeeze value out of it? Is it just a trendy buzzword, or is there something more beneath all the hype? Spoiler: it’s both. The key is cutting through the noise and focusing on what really works for your business.

Let’s break down four practical (and refreshingly no-nonsense) ways companies are finding real value in the cloud. Grab your coffee and let’s dive into the good stuff—no corporate jargon, just real-world advice.

1. Getting Rid of the Baggage: Migration for a Reason, Not Just for Fun

Many companies jump on the cloud train without really knowing why. Yes, it sounds good. But let’s be honest—moving to the cloud isn’t some magical solution. It’s only valuable if it solves actual problems. Think legacy systems that are falling apart or software that can’t keep up with the pace of business. Moving to the cloud can be the solution, but only if you’re doing it for the right reasons.

Don’t fall into the trap of moving everything to the cloud “just because.” Instead, take the time to assess which parts of your infrastructure actually need to be there. Are you dealing with slow on-prem solutions that are constantly causing downtime? Is scaling up during peak times a nightmare? That’s where the cloud comes in handy.

Challenge: Traditional IT systems often struggle with scalability and maintenance, costing businesses both time and money. Enter the cloud to make things... well, less terrible.

Solution: Migrate with intention. Start by moving those outdated, clunky applications that are a burden on your team’s time. Once you’ve done that, figure out how the cloud can improve your workflows. Make sure your migration decisions are tied to tangible benefits.

2. Flexibility: No One Size Fits All (Thankfully)

One of the biggest perks of the cloud is flexibility. It’s not a one-size-fits-all model. Different businesses need different things, and guess what? The cloud lets you pick and choose what you need. Do you require more storage during peak times and less when things are slow? Or maybe your dev team needs extra resources during sprints? The cloud can scale up and down depending on your needs.

This isn’t about selling you on one particular model. It’s about using what works best for you. Some companies use a multi-cloud approach, while others stick to a hybrid setup. No two businesses are the same, so why should their cloud solutions be?

Challenge: Businesses often feel trapped in rigid IT environments, unable to scale up or down as needed. This creates inefficiency and bloated costs.

Solution: Flexibility is key here. Whether you’re using Atlassian’s Jira Service Management to streamline workflows or utilizing Confluence for team collaboration, the cloud gives you the ability to adapt your tools based on your business’s current demands.

3. Security: Yes, It’s a Big Deal

The cloud can seem like a big black box—put your stuff in, and hope for the best, right? Wrong. Security in the cloud is actually more controllable than you think, as long as you don’t cut corners. Companies often find value in knowing that they’re actually improving security measures by going cloud-based, thanks to built-in encryption, regular updates, and access controls.

The trick here is to use the cloud’s security features wisely. Instead of seeing security as an afterthought, integrate it into your cloud strategy from day one. Just like you wouldn’t build a house without locking the doors, you shouldn’t throw your data into the cloud without making sure it’s safe.

Challenge: Data breaches are a legitimate fear for many companies moving to the cloud. Without proper controls, sensitive information can become vulnerable.

Solution: Leverage the cloud’s built-in security features to your advantage. Things like multi-factor authentication, encryption, and automated monitoring make it easier to keep your data locked down. Don’t wait until after a breach to think about security—plan for it upfront.

4. Collaboration on Steroids: Because Teamwork Matters

We all know the cloud makes collaboration easier, but how exactly? Imagine trying to get multiple teams across different time zones on the same page using email chains. Yep, it’s a nightmare. The cloud, on the other hand, makes real-time collaboration not only possible but actually enjoyable. Tools like Atlassian’s Trello and Confluence let you work across teams and projects seamlessly (without all the endless back-and-forth).

Challenge: Collaboration often breaks down when teams use outdated tools that don’t sync up in real-time, leading to inefficiencies.

Solution: Use cloud-based tools like Atlassian Jira , Jira service management, and Confluence to bring all your teams together. Whether it’s project management, file sharing, or team messaging, the cloud removes barriers and lets your employees work in sync, no matter where they are.

At the end of the day, finding value in the cloud isn’t about following trends or fancy buzzwords. It’s about identifying real pain points and using the cloud to solve them—whether it’s improving collaboration, securing sensitive data, or simply getting rid of old, inefficient systems.

So, what’s your take? Are you seeing real value in the cloud, or are you still figuring out what works best for your company? Feel free to share your experiences—what’s worked, what hasn’t, and what’s been an absolute game-changer for you (oops, I promised no buzzwords...but you get the point).

Clovity is here to guide you through your cloud journey. As an Atlassian Gold Solution Partner, we provide expert solutions using Jira Service Management, Trello, and Confluence to help streamline your business. Reach out to us at [email protected] or visit atlassian.clovity.com
