4 Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month

4 Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month

Every year, the U.S. recognizes March as Women’s History Month, and as the CEO of Center for Executive Excellence, a Woman-Owned Business, I’m excited to celebrate. If you’re wondering how you can celebrate Women’s History Month this month and beyond, here are four excellent tips.

1. Read their stories. 

The theme of Women’s History Month 2023 is “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.” This theme is a tribute to women who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling, past and present. Try The Three Mothers: How the Mothers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin Shaped a Nation by Anna Malaika Tubbs to learn the stories of the women who raised and shaped some of America's most pivotal heroes. Or, pick up Crazy Salad and Scribble Scribble: Some Things About Women and Notes on the Media, a collection of essays written by Nora Ephron in 1970’s America.

2. Be aware of issues women still face today.

Although women have made progress since the 70’s, The State of Women in the Labor Market in 2023 published by American Progress, women still earn less on average than men, carry the majority of household and childcare responsibilities, and face occupational segregation. Women are also under-represented in politics, leadership, and STEM careers.

3. Support a woman-owned business.

If you really want to make a measurable difference this Women’s History Month, support a local woman-owned business. Maybe buy your coffee and pastries at a local startup instead of a big chain. Take a minute to chat with the owner to learn about her origin story and her vision. You just might find a hidden gem while spending your consumer dollars within your community.

4. Write a thank you note to a woman who inspires you.

A few simple words to acknowledge how another woman has inspired you can mean a lot to her. Maybe she’s a role model or a friend who helped you through a tough time. Maybe you admire certain qualities about her and haven’t taken the time to let her know. A show of gratitude is a meaningful gesture.

Question: What women do you know whose contributions should be recognized and celebrated this month?

We’re excited to announce that our 6-week DEI Executive Boot Camp Training Program is scheduled March 23 – April 27, 2023, led by our amazing Master DEI Facilitator, Casey Tonnelly

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Learn more and register to earn your DEI Executive credential in just 6 weeks! This is a great opportunity for those who like the mix of self-paced e-learning with the chance to marinate in discussion each week with a Master Facilitator.

Sheri Nasim is President and CEO of Center for Executive Excellence, a leadership consulting firm headquartered in San Diego, CA. She is the author of Work On Purpose: How to Connect Who You Are With What You Do

Driven by the premise that excellence is the result of aligning people, purpose and performance, Center for Executive Excellence facilitates training in leading self, leading teams and leading organizations. To learn more, visit us today at www.executiveexcellence.com or subscribe to receive CEE News!


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