"4 + 4 = Walls + Bricks"
1.Walls?get utilized for innumerable load-bearing and non-load-bearing purposes.
1.Bricks?produced: Fired and non-fired.
Supporting walls- Members carrying the most load of a building.
Cavity walls- ‘Sandwiched walls’ with dual sections of masonry voiding between for insulation and water resistance.
Curtain walls- Usable for Fortification around medieval castles or for outer walls of a building (without supporting the roof).
Partition walls- Members separate areas into interiors and make it a spatial design.
Green walls- Late 20th century walls, planted with foliage, creating new habitats and improved air quality.
Sun-dried mud-bricks- Produced earliest and bounded concurrently with natural materials such as straw.
Fired bricks- Available from c. 4000 BCE in China, the brick is still sizably used in small-to-medium-sized buildings(especially in the industrial world).
?3.Walls?made of brick and stone, steel and glass, and others demand binding materials with them; however, dry stone walls, on the other hand, are uniquely joined togetherly with just careful interlocking of stones.
3.Bricks(fired)?are used majorly throughout a structure, although, Engineered bricks commonly get used in lower parts, aiding structure and strength through– heavier, denser, and fewer porosity qualities than others.
4.Bricks?used in the world’s tallest load-bearing building ever constructed, designed by Burnham and Root, is Chicago’s Monadnock Building(1891-93).