The 4 types of problem every online marketer will face

The 4 types of problem every online marketer will face

I've been fixing computers in my spare time since 2008.

And if there's two truths I've come to notice, they're how:

A- Most, if not all technical problems problems can be solved by telling someone to buy a new PC.

B- There are really just 6 types of problems anyone can face regarding their computer. Strange enough though... 4 of these problems also apply to marketing to such a frightening degree, figured I'd make a thing out of them and turn them into a sort of...

“IT guy's guide to marketing problems.”

Without wasting any time, here are the 4 main causes of marketer misery in no specific order:

1- It used to work and now it doesn't- IUTWANID

This one is fairly straight forward.

?Marketing strategy you were using just stopped making moolah when you were sleeping?

?Google changed the algorithm and now you SEOs and Backlinks are worthless?

?Buying email lists is no longer profitable... and your email address has been banned? That's all IUTWANID.

However, it isn't just about strategy, or scummy backdoor tactics. Sometimes it happens even to legit, straightforward operations.

?Your sales letter can suddenly stop working... or it gradually lost it's power because something happened in the market ( the news for example ), or because the market's sophistication shifted? Or maybe perhaps the idea isn't fresh anymore.

?A direct mail list you've been mailing to has now been burnt out and simple won't buy anything new ( probably due to mismanagement ).

The main idea behind IUTWANID is when something that was working, and making money before just stops working, whether suddenly or not for whatever reasons. Sometimes it's avoidable with due diligence.

Happens to everyone.

Key is to be prepared for it.

Moving on to the next problem:

2- It's more rubbish than it used to be - ( IMRTIUTIB )

This one is also quite straightforward.

Think of it like this:

If you're using an ineffective marketing strategy which barely works... then all of a sudden that strategy just goes from bad to worse, then this is what you're dealing with.

The problem here isn't the fact that the problem got worse.

It's the fact that you actually kept the strategy/ tactic around long enough for it to actually get that bad.

Best solution... don't put yourself in a position where you're going to watch your strategy become moar rubbish over time.

3- I can't do the new thing ( ICDNT )

Best way to describe this one?

When you try jumping on the latest trend and bandwagon yet nothing you seems to work. End result?

You start getting sour and end up telling everyone the “New Thing” doesn't work... whatever it is. ( Whether it's Webinarz, Facebook Bots... or Periskope ).

Main cause of this comes in 3 juice flavours:

?Refusing to just stick to what works. This is a sign of lack of focus for the most part and usually anyone guilty of this would have tried hundreds of different methods... without actually properly IMPLEMENTING them.

?Improper implementation. Every market is different. And while the basics of direct response STILL apply you have to take note that some aspects of the strategy might have to be altered for the market... or product being sold.

?Not understanding the basics of how marketing works... or expecting the New Thing to be goose which shits golden eggs in your sleep. Then when you realise the new thing doesn't quite work you decide you can't do it and try finding something else...

Well, truth be told there are many other causes of ICDNT but these are the ones I could name off the top of my head.

Next up on the list is:

4- Randomly a thing happens - ( RATH )

Usually the causes of this problem are external... as opposed to the other ones on this list. You'd usually come across this when something out there just brings your business, and marketings strategies to a halt out of nowhere. For example:

?Google suddenly blacklisting your site for no apparent reason.

?Facebook suddenly taking your ads down and murdering your account.

?Display ad costs suddenly skyrocketing out of the blue... completely messing up your funnel's money making potential.

?A random glitch in your marketing software sending all your email to the spam folder...

?Facebook and Google banned all the BytKoyn and ICO ads on their platforms.

?Mark Zuckerberg having to explain Facebook to a bunch of senile old bureaucrats who probably can't even get it up anymore.

Reasons are endless.

And the worst part?

You really can't predict it.

It just happens. And when it does, this will be a true test of your just good you are at solving random problems.

Anyways, that's all for this list.

Let me know what you think in the comments below... and share any moments you ever came across which fit any of the categories above.

Pretty sure you might have a good story or two ;)

… till the next wave of madness... Vae Victis...

Jay Makoni


