The 4 types of Focus and how to master them

The 4 types of Focus and how to master them

You all have dived into the murky and muddling depths of meditation, to come out with a noise of symphonies that lead you nowhere. What you didn't know, is that you are not diving deep to reach the bottom. You are instead, diving deeper to reach the surface of your soul.

Fear not, as Jainism religion has figured out a way to teach you this.

Any form of focus is powerful. Even anger in any shape and form is a focused effort. Think of these focuses like the rays of the sun.

Rays of the sun when focused can create fire. And same can be said about the 4 kinds of focus listed below.

With that context, let's start with the basic knowledge:

1. The Lament of ?rta Dhy?na (Sorrowful Meditation):

Here the Sanskrit word is about the whispers of tales of loss inside you. It's not only about feeling sorry. It's also the dark art of mourning about what's slipped through your fingers and/or lamenting the elusiveness of what you desire.

In this alley, only shadows of regret tap dance that only end up hindering your spiritual ascent of finding inner peace.

Beware, as drowning in this lake severs your Mind-Body Connection and shackles you to the heavy stones of despair.

2. The Rageful Dance of Raudra Dhy?na (Wrathful Meditation):


Ancient Wisdom describes Raudra as the harbinger of wrath. It invites you to a dance of inclement thoughts.

It's the place where harshness reigns, inner harmony is disturbed and mercy takes a back seat. Here, happiness is only granted by acts of oppression and ruthlessness.

The sacred space of your spirit risks being entangled in the web of its dark deeds. Sorrow and wrath, like a sinister duo, conspire against your connection with the Universe.

3. The Illumination of Dharma Dhy?na (Righteous and Religious Meditation):

This is where your righteousness resides.

Dharma Dhy?na is your place of devotion and proper conduct. It is your guide towards the spiritual awakening of your soul.

Contemplate the virtues that purify, and in this meditation, you are awarded the trinity of the following:

right perception

right knowledge

right conduct.

You have to shed the karmic burdens that weigh you down, for in the illumination of Dharma, shadows retreat.

4. The Purity of Shukla Dhy?na (Spiritual and Purest Meditation):

This is the core that drapes the soul in spirituality, where distractions do not dare to tread. This is also known as 'Transcendental Meditation'.

Here, the shadows disperse, leaving behind a canvas of purest meditation.

In Shukla Dhy?na, you shed the veils that obscure your inner light, allowing you to emerge as the virtuoso of spiritual focus.

How to master and find the right kind of focus?

Even after acquiring this knowledge, you still need help to master your emotions and focus. It is proven that on average, any human being has 70,000 thoughts in a day.

This is where I come in to help.

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