4 tricks for coming up with fun and cheap things to do with the kids

4 tricks for coming up with fun and cheap things to do with the kids

Those with kids will be familiar with that dreaded feeling of waking up on a Saturday morning, knowing that keeping the kids entertained all day is the only way you’ll still have your sanity come 4pm. The thing is, a lot of us no longer have the luxury of throwing money at the problem. Rising inflation and interest rates have eaten into our weekly rendezvous at kid-friendly establishments that so fervently entertained our green-and-red-slush-puppy-stained kritters while we sipped on pink G&Ts.

The reality is that we are now left alone to deal with the restless eyes and sapless bank accounts that greet us every Saturday morning.

A quick online search yields thousands of ideas on cheap ways to have fun with the kids. Reading these however left me feeling very blue because they are either impractical (Wash the dog – I don’t have a dog. Next!) or quite frankly very boring (I’m a kugel, and the thought of weeding the garden is not my idea of fun – never has been, can’t promise it ever will be).

I therefore decided to put together my own list - not so much of things to do, but rather of principles to apply – when devising frugal ways of surviving Saturdays with the little ones. The aim is that you’ll be able put together your own countless options of entertaining the kids on a budget, and never again have to Google “fun things to do with the kids for under R200”.

1. Create a schedule

Create anticipation and minimize anxiety by creating a schedule. A schedule leaves little room for “I’m bored” which is where we often get caught off-guard and end up spending money. Anticipation releases dopamine in the brain and that “looking forward to” feeling will counter the lows that may lead to boredom.

2. Include some competition

“Winning” is a simple way of creating thrill. Whether it’s winning at a board game, a treasure hunt, cooking competition, etc. Find ways of including the possibility of a “win” in your Saturday.

3. Build in a Helper’s High

“Helper’s High” is the term given to the feel-good factor associated with giving. This feeling is caused by the same happiness chemicals that are released when buying something new. Instead of buying new toys or gadgets, why don’t you and the kids do something for the needy? You’ll also feel more grateful for what you already have, which creates a renewed sense of novelty in what you already possess.

4. Top it off with some novelty

Novelty can be created by the Helper’s High already described, or by doing or experiencing something new. Buying something new is the easiest way of creating novelty, even if it’s something small. Have your kids ever asked, “Can I buy just one thing” when at the shops? They are seeking novelty and novelty can be created or bought regardless of your budget.

An example of a perfectly thrilling, budget-friendly Saturday:

 (Create a schedule)

  • 8am:       Masterchef breakfast (Competition)
  • 9am:       Eat
  • 10am:     Bath
  • 11am:      Rearrange the kids’ room (Novelty)
  • 12pm:     Make lunch
  • 1pm:       Pack a sandwich and give it to the homeless (Helper’s High)
  • 2pm:       Go for ice-cream/dessert (Novelty)
  • 3pm:       Make puppets using old socks (Novelty)
  • 4pm:       Puppet show (Competition)
  • 5pm:       Rest
  • 6pm:       Make dinner
  • 7pm:       Eat
  • 8pm:       Camp in the TV room (Novelty) for movies and popcorn


Mix and match the following ideas of competition, helper’s high and novelty to create dozens of budget-friendly options for you and the kids.

Helper’s High

Bags of Love: Fill an old bag with clothes/food/toiletries and give it to the less fortunate

Children’s home: Spend the day at a children’s home reading or playing with the kids. I support Othandweni Children’s Home in Soweto. They can be reached on 011 984 4117

Host a charity party: Host a bring n’ share where attendants bring their own eats and drinks, as well as goods to donate to the needy. Contact Jo’burg Welfare Society with your goodies: 011 298 8500


  • Puppet show: Who has put on the best show?
  • Idols/Dance: Turn on the music channel and take turns singing/dancing along
  • Play card/board/computer games
  • Treasure hunt
  • Play in the park, with competition rules
  • Masterchef: Turn meal prep time into a "Masterchef" competition


 Cheap/Free prizes (treats) for "competitions":

  • Adult or losing sibling will be the winner's "slave" the following day
  • Winner sleeps much later that night (always a treat for the little ones)
  • Winner chooses what to do the following weekend
  • Winner is dropped off at school by parent/s that week (if they are on outsourced transportation)
  • Winner sits in the front seat of the car for the following week



  • Buy a new toy (Crazy Store, fun and affordable)
  • Make something new (Try arts and crafts - buy fabric at Fabric Fusion)
  • Use old clothes and pretend to be a fashion designer (I said old ok!)
  • Play dress up in parent/s clothes, complete with makeup
  • Try a new restaurant (The Lot on Witkoppen Road is amazing)
  • Visit friends/family you haven’t seen in a long time
  • Watch a play at the theatre (The People's Theatre in Jo'burg has kid plays)
  • Write down a list of extended family member’s birthdays and make cards/gifts as they approach


 Share your ideas and thoughts and help this kugel navigate these frugal economic times








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