4 #Tips To #Nail Your #Interviews Every Time & Get The #Job Of Your #Dreams
Calvin Lee, M.Eng, CIAM, ChFC, CFP
Digital Agency Leader Of The Year 2019
Take a second to think about your dream job. Did you think about the job you are currently in right now?
If you are in a job you don’t like and want to change it, or are looking to launch your career in something new, then you have to know how to properly prepare for a job interview.
As it happens, I have done complete programs and one-day seminars on this very subject.
Today I want to share four tips on exactly what you can do to nail job interviews every time and land your dream job.
First of all, think about yourself and think about what it is you can do really well. Make a short list of those things so that you can mention them while in the interview.
Now that you’ve figured out what you want to do, and what you’re good at, let’s talk about the tips:
1) Don’t Be #Late
A successful job interview starts from the minute you walk in the door, so don’t be late.
It’s actually a rule of business to never hire someone who arrives late for an interview, that’s just standard.
So be punctual, maybe even a little early, to set the tone of the interview in the right direction from the very start.
2) #Dress #Properly
Now that you’re in the waiting room, on time, let’s talk about what you’ve decided to wear.
As we all know, first impressions are very important. You need to make sure that you are dressed appropriately for the position you are applying for.
It’s always better to be over-dressed, rather than under-dressed.
Don’t pull something out of the hamper that you wore the other day, with wrinkles and stains on it. Wear something that demonstrates your professionalism and exudes confidence.
It’s absolutely astonishing how many people dress poorly for an interview and then they wonder why the interviewer loses interest.
3) Do Your #Homework
If you have a prospective company that you are looking at or that is looking at you, do your homework. Do all the research that you possibly can.
These days, every company and employer has a website. Go on the website and read everything they have.
They’ll tell you about their products and their services, their background and their history, their key people and their place in the market.
When you go in to see the prospective company for the first time, you should already know everything there is to know about the company.
The rule for this is: never ask a question if the information is available somewhere else. Referencing what you already know about the company in your answers is an excellent way to impress a boss.
Going to an interview equipped with information will allow you to feel more confident. This will be evident to your interviewers and anyone you meet at the company.
4) Present Ideas For The Future.
During your research prior to your interview, you may come across some ideas where you think this business can be improved.
One of the most powerful statements you can say in an interview is:
“I believe I have some ideas by which this business can be greatly improved, and I would like to help improve this business.”
People love to hear that. They love to hear that you have ideas for the future of the company and for yourself.
And then ask the person, “Where is this business going?” “What are my chances and possibilities here?” And, “If I work really, really hard, what kind of a future can I look forward to?”
By asking these questions and making these statements, you take control of the interview and demonstrate your interest in the position.
It shows that you are a forward thinker, and that you have your future, and the future of the company in the forefront of your mind.
And there you have it. Always be punctual, always be well-presented, always be prepared, and take control of the interview.
Before we wrap up, I’d like to leave you with a thought to share with your friends and followers:
“If you want to land the job of your dreams, always be punctual, well-presented, prepared and in control” @BrianTracy
Source: https://www.briantracy.com/blog/business-success/4-ways-to-get-your-dream-job/
For more information on #Financial #planning as a #CAREER, or Financial #Solutions, call Calvin Lee +65-9173 6878 or email [email protected] or simply leave us a private message.