4 Tips To Get Massive Attention
Over the years I’ve noticed there are certain patterns that occur on the accounts my agency manages, and they’ve led to massive attention, millions of subscribers kind of attention.
So I’ve figured why not pile these in the form of helpful tips so you can start using them in your business??
I've learned quite a bit while working with Dr. Eric Berg and other powerful content creator legends for 5+ years.?
It’s been amazing to watch their growth and I have learned more from them than they’ve learned from me.
Just look at Dr. Eric Berg's numbers on YouTube, not to mention the rest of the other channels we manage for him.?
Over 80 million views, 4.6 million hours, and 420K subscribers in just 28 days.?
I challenge anyone to show me any influencer with bigger numbers than this.?
Not Oprah, not Joe Rogan, not anyone.?
This is attention grabbing at scale and working with people like him is my obsession at AGM Marketing.?
4 Main Takeaways
So after years of observing, here are my 4 main takeaways to gain massive attention, all of which comes from working with powerhouse content creators like Dr. Berg all these years:
1. Believe in your own message and ability to positively influence the life of others.?
2. Be consistent. Even when you don’t feel like doing it, get out there and DO IT, and once you start, don’t stop. It’s not overnight.?
Dr. Berg has been at it since 2009! That’s more than 13 years! How about that for “overnight success”??
3. Be patient. Don’t get desperate for attention, if your message, products, and/or services are valuable and authentic the algorithms and the people will eventually respond.
4. Be professional. Provide real value without expecting something in return. Simply give because you know helping people will lead to captured attention and captured attention will lead to revenue opportunities.?
Plus, it’s a win-win, you help people while opening up the door to your products and services.
Reap The Rewards
Apply these points and apply them consistently. Make them a way of life like it is for Dr. Berg and one day you can find yourself in a similar position with a world of attention at your fingertips.
?This all started with my father by helping him accomplish the same kind of attention Dr. Berg currently has.
And my fathers level of influence is still being felt massively around the world months after his passing.?
And that is creating a LEGACY…?
”It means putting a stamp on the future, and making a contribution to future generations.“
The Reality
So by now you may be asking yourself, “Okay, where do I start??”
And before you start imagining mountains of cash just as I always tell my clients before we take them on and like I said before, this isn’t an overnight thing.
Creating a legacy takes patience, persistence, and determination.
And although those may not be the things you want to hear, I’d rather be honest with you than have you go to some guru and they tell you it’s possible in less than a year.
There is good news though, there are ways to accelerate your journey to creating a legacy, and that’s what my team of experts do.?
Mission Statement
Our mission is to help hundreds of millions of small business owners around the world control their own revenue with attention-grabbing marketing strategies that create an explosion of prospects and customers which leads to a thriving business and an improved quality of life for employees, owners, and clients of that business.?
Since each business is different and each business is in a different stage of development the solutions we offer each business will be slightly different.?
Some businesses will need AGM's free social media content, others will need paid courses that teach them the basics of digital marketing so they can continue to grow.?
Some businesses will be ready for our AGM Ninja Lab, a unique done-with-you marketing development program where we will walk you by the hand through the necessary digital marketing skills to grow your business to multiple 6 or 7 figures a year in revenue.
At that point, you can make the decision to continue in the Ninja Lab program or you can have us perform a "full marketing take over" of your business.?
That means you can leave the heavy lifting of marketing your business to us whether it’s creating a legacy for your brand or you’re purely interested in ROI.
All while you work on high-level CEO business development for your organization.?
Help Your Business
Every other week at AGM we have FREE marketing and business education workshops. The purpose of these workshops is to help business owners develop their skills so they can take control of their sales and revenue-generating ability!