4 Tips to Develop Blogging?Posture

(Updated 10–22–2022)

How much of your blogging campaign seems based on scarcity?

Blogging is for confident bloggers.

Confident bloggers have posture.

Most bloggers have the posture of an earthworm which skips its core exercises.

You know what I mean; that lack of confidence and clarity that manifests as struggle and miserable failure.

I see blogging posture as having great clarity and confidence in what you do, blogging-wise. Although you are humble, you don’t fall apart like a house of cards when it’s time to price your products and services. You will only allow top bloggers to guest post on your blog and you will delete any spammy, low-value comments.

Posturing bloggers don’t fear to reach out to top bloggers to place guest posts on established, popular, authority blogs, either.

Before I lit this up, here are simple steps to develop good blogging posture.

How can you develop blogging posture?

Follow these 4 tips.

Create premium products.

Develop strong blogging posture.

Writing helpful eBooks and creating premium courses helped me become more confident in my blogging abilities. I am pretty clear on the fact that I know my blogging stuff. As my clarity around what I had to offer increased I also developed greater posture.

When that silly little ego chatter pops off in your head, telling you that you aren’t good enough or skilled enough to create premium products and that nobody will buy your products anyway, tell that voice to shut up, feel your fear, and do it anyway.

Sit with your non-posturing, fearful energies to clear these energetic lies so you can act from a posturing, clear space.

Note; creating products often triggers fear-based chatter well into your blogging career. Be at peace with this truth. Few if any bloggers entirely put Imposter Syndrome in their rear-view window. Most harbor fears related to very un-posturing habits.

Accept this reality as you delve deeper on your blogging path. Gain even greater confidence by dissolving not too confident energies along the way, courtesy of creating online courses and eBooks further along in your blogging career.

2: Hobnob with Blogging Big?Dawgs

Comment on top blogs.

Patiently build friendships with established pro bloggers — the blogging big dawgs of the world — to feast on their posturing, clear, confident energy.

If you fear following up with your email list or creating high-end products, following and networking with someone like John Chow will set you straight really quickly.

Top bloggers teach you how to handle yourself. By surrounding yourself only with the blogging creme de la creme you will automatically take on some of their posturing qualities.

Leveling up unearths fears associated with not being good enough to connect with high level bloggers. Let go these fears. Bond with pro bloggers. Everyone is the same, anyway. Let this idea sear itself onto your mind. Be posturing by learning the posturing ways of seasoned professional bloggers.

3: Work on Your?Mindset

Work on your mindset. As within, so without.

Spend 30 minutes or longer on waking to do the inner work to build your blogging posture.

Clearing out the fear-based energies you may cling to helps you develop confidence and clarity in your abilities.

Meditate, pray, do yoga and spend a little time in a cold shower to raise your energy and to face your fears.

Following a strict daily morning, the ritual has played a huge part in my blogging success.

If you raise your energy every single day you will do amazing things in your blogging niche.

4: Raise Your?Prices

My course sales and eBook sales increased when I raised my prices.

Ditto for my blog consulting client base.

By charging significantly more money for all that I offer I raised my posture, cleared fear energy about charging too much and naturally made more money.

Build your blogging posture. Charge premium rates. Allow in prospering folks who gladly drop money on your products and services.

Be as generous with yourself as you are with your readers. Do you publish detailed blog content diligently? If you give away a wealth of content for free you may as well charge premium rates to get paid for your online courses, eBooks and coaching.

Blogging gets easier if you earn more money per transaction. Blogging gets tougher when you need to work your tail off for peanuts; this is one reason why I only sell eBooks through Gumroad and Payhip now.

Your Turn

How are you developing your blogging posture?

What tips can you add to this list?

Originally published at https://www.bloggingfromparadise.com on October 22, 2022.


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