4 Things you need to know about Single Touch Payroll Phase 2
What is Single Touch Payroll Phase 2?
In the 2019-20 Budget, the Federal Government announced that they would be expanding Single Touch Payroll (STP).
This expansion, known as STP Phase 2, aims to reduce the reporting burden on employers that need to report information about their employees to multiple government agencies.
STP Phase 2 will also help Services Australia issue the correct payment to their customers who may also be your employees.
During this blog, we outline 4 important aspects of Single Touch Payroll Phase 2.
1: STP Phase 2 benefits for EMPLOYERS
STP Phase 2 aims to streamline the interactions that employers have with the ATO.
Some examples of this include:
The ATO will also share the information you report through STP Phase 2 to Services Australia.
2: STP Phase 2 benefits for EMPLOYEES
STP Phase 2 should also streamline the interactions that employees have with the ATO.
For example:
The information will also be shared with Services Australia to streamline the interactions that they have with their customers.
3: What isn’t changing under STP Phase 2
While you need to report more information about your employees, your existing reporting and payroll processes will stay the same.
The following will not change under STP Phase 2:
4: KEY CHANGES to Single Touch Payroll Phase 2
Disaggregation of Gross
In the previous phase of STP, your payroll software reported a single gross amount that included various payment types and components.
Under STP Phase 2, these will be reported separately for different social security treatments. However, this won’t change how you input payments into your payroll software or run payroll.
Employment and Taxation Conditions
To simplify employment and taxation reporting, you’ll need to include more information about your employees in your STP Phase 2 reports. This includes their employment basis (full-time, part-time, casual), TFN declaration information, and their departure date and reason.
You may have already provided this information through other forms of reporting, such as TFN declarations and employment separation certificates.
Income Types
STP already sends some details about an employee’s income, but STP Phase 2 introduces reporting of income types to better:
Child Support Deductions & Garnishees
STP Phase 2 allows you to report child support deductions and garnishments. If you decide to report this information through STP, you won’t need to provide a separate report to the Child Support Registrar. However, keep in mind that it’s not required to report this information through STP.
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