4 Things You Absolutely Should Not Do After You Apply for a Mortgage

4 Things You Absolutely Should Not Do After You Apply for a Mortgage

I’m always happy to pass on great info...and this is great info! I’ve included a few snippets below lifted from the full article.

If you have a good credit history and are prepared to invest in a home, you may be feeling pretty confident about the mortgage process. However, it’s important to be aware that there are things that can have a negative impact on your application. Whether you’ve just submitted your documents or are getting close to it, here are some things you may want to avoid.

Acquiring New Credit

It may seem silly that something as minor as a new credit card can be a mark against your credit, but applying for new ones can be a bad sign to lenders. The problem is that this can be signal an unmanageable debt load, so you may be considered a high risk for not being able to make your payments.

Forget To Pay Your Bills

It’s easy enough to get lulled into the feeling that your mortgage application will be approved, but this doesn’t mean that you should forget your financial responsibilities. If you’ve had poor credit in the past and neglected paying your bills on time, now is not the time to do this. Instead, ensure that you’re paying all bills and any applicable minimum payments in advance of the due date so your credit score is not impacted.

Do you need more detail on this subject? Head on over to the full article https://leaganrealty.com/home-mortgage-tips/4-things-you-absolutely-should-not-do-after-you-apply-for-a-mortgage/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=google_plus&utm_source=socialnetwork for more ideas and perspective. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts [email protected]; or call me on (0400) 032-110.


Bill Mitchell


