4 Suggestions to Help Prepare for the Millennial Tsunami
Ashley Cruz
Omnichannel Solution Suites: Contact Center, WFM/WEM, Data & Speech Analytics. Customer Interactions!
Here come the Millennials, also known as Next Gen and the Baby-On-board Generation. Regardless what call you them they are nearly 98 million young adults born between 1980 and 2000 and by 2020 they will represent nearly 50% of the workforce, by 2030 as much as 75%.
Millennials are quite different then any generation before them.
They view the world differently and have redefined the meaning of success, both personally and professionally.
A growing trend with employers is modifying their traditional approach with how they are managing their workforce. Business leaders today are forced to get the most out of the millennials unique competencies and perspectives. Call Center’s are incorporating innovated technology and modifying their cultures to encompass agent training programs and daily operations.
Millennials have practically grown up with technology. They are in fact the first generation to have grown up 100% with video games. They have always been able to open multiple tabs in an internet browser to conduct research and search for music while simultaneously playing Candy Crush. They are tech savvy multi-taskers because that is all they have ever known. This the very reason why Companies need to ensure their technological appetite is satiated in this new, professional environment.
By example, this new frontier of employee demands why most of the call centers’ agent onboarding and ongoing training curriculum needs to be modulated accordingly.
Here are some suggestions to be considered when training Millennials.
1. Let them touch it!
Millennials are very analytical and practical when it comes to learning and implementing their skill set. Agents learn more if they can get acquainted with what they are expected to do, interactive training with technology or peers is a great way to optimize the training session.
2. Make yourself sexy!
When trying to attract millennials to join your organization as a call center agent, you need to make it sexy, i.e innovative. Do you look like an Archie Bunker show of the 1970’s or Modern Family 2016? Let them know about the organization’s culture, how you are employee-centric, communication flows in all direction, flexible working conditions, etc. Many organizations are increasingly using technology to deliver this information, which can be via video streaming or social media. Having fresh, innovative technology says a lot about where you are going. Do you want them to go with you?
3. Pump up the juice.
They are not only tech savvy; they are tight with their money as well. Often millennials are living on credit cards. Compensating them slightly above regional averages can provide organizations a recruitment edge with this generation. Aside from this, finance department’s can work out creative ways to provide options to earn extra money, which can include performance based incentives, education allowance etc. which will really help in developing that hire into a valuable Call Center asset.
4. Promote innovation and diversity
Encourage leaders to show and live an appreciation for diversity in your organization. It starts at the top. This will help all generations avoid stereotyping that gets in the way of valuing the skill sets of each employee. This can be a major deciding factor for Millennials to choose your business over any other. They love innovation and experimenting. Millennials are often fun loving and want a less formal atmosphere. Such activities can boost their inclination towards innovative learning and engagement at work. Which ultimately leads to a more effective agent.
So basically it has happened, Millennials are here and a lot more are coming, that is for sure. Noah built his arc before the rain came. Is your business ready?