4 Stress Fracture Survival Points
When many of us think of a stress fracture sporting injury, we often expect the worst. After dedicating long hours training for a race or marathon, a diagnosed stress fracture can seem like a huge set back.
For many dedicated runners, they train day in day out and this can put a lot of repetitive stress on to their bones leading to injury.
So what should I do if I think I have a stress fracture?
Seek a Professional Diagnosis.
In many situations, just because a person’s foot is in a lot of pain it doesn’t always mean that they have broken it. However, pain that worsens over time may indicate you are suffering from a stress fracture and so seeking the advice and diagnosis of a medical professional is crucial.
If you have received a diagnosis that you’ve suffered from a stress fracture then take a step back and don’t panic. Usually you won’t be able to return to the track for at least three weeks and so you need to not rush yourself. Only return to running once you have fully been healed and been assessed again by a certified doctor at a foot and ankle clinic .
Don’t lose hope
Sometimes it’s the mental rather than the physical challenges that can affect a runner. Remember that your recovery isn’t a race and you should take each day a step at a time. You may feel sluggish and demotivated from a lack of running but it’s important to not race back and cause yourself further injury. To help you stay motivated and ‘on track,’ leave yourself positive notes of encouragement around your house to read which will motivate you every step of the way.
You’ll Return Stronger
The great news is that once you have fully recovered, you will be stronger and better off than before. This is because when bones break and heal, they become stronger than ever before. Many runners have been able to push themselves further than they ever dreamed they could after a stress fracture or break has healed.
What Treatments shall I Take?
With every stress fracture injury comes a different level of intensity. However in most situations where the patient has suffered from a stress fracture, minimally invasive surgery is recommended. In fact, this can produce healthier results in comparison to more conventional surgery methods.
If you have suffered from a stress fracture or have severe swelling on your foot and ankle then please contact our foot and ankle clinic as we will treat you with the best methods available and guarantee you a quick recovery time.