4 Strategies to Change Habits
Monika Kristofferson
Professional Organizer | Productivity Coach | Coach for Professional Organizers
Happy New Year to you as we welcome 2020! It’s a new year, a new decade and you may be working on a new and improved you! This is typically the time of year that we are working on goals and improving our habits. So I wanted to share a few strategies to help you on your path to healthy habits!
Write Down Your Habits
Instead of having good intentions floating around in your head, take the time to write down the habit you want to change and then write down the new habit you want to create.This will solidify what you are working toward.
Write Down the Outcomes
You want to change habits to improve something right? So write down the positive outcomes you will experience when you have those new habits firmly in place. This will serve as a great reminder when the going gets tough when making life changes.
Repeat Your New Habit
The bigger the change, the longer it may take to get your new habits to stick. Twenty-one days to change a habit isn’t really accurate. It can take from 18-254 days to make changes with the average being 66 days.
Embrace a Visual Reminder
Use something visual to remind you of your new habit each time you see it. For example, if you want to floss your teeth daily, leave the floss on the counter. Once your habit is firmly in place, you should be able to store it in the drawer.
Don’t take on too many new changes until you have success under your belt and be sure to celebrate along the way!
Monika Kristofferson is a professional organizer and productitivty consultant with Efficient Organization in the PNW.