4 Steps to Secure Your Emotional Well-being During a Divorce

4 Steps to Secure Your Emotional Well-being During a Divorce

There is a reason divorce always ranks among the top two stressors. The only stressor that tops divorce is the death of a loved one. Divorce is a type of death itself. Like any death, survivors go through a grieving process. This emotionally-charged process requires individuals to take time out for self-care. Unfortunately, that is much easier said than done; but it is vital for your emotional well-being and overall health. Here are four steps to help:

1. The Power of Journaling

There is much to be said about the power of the pen. Getting your thoughts and feelings out of your mind and onto paper can be freeing. Don’t worry if it takes reams of paper before you feel better. This isn’t about spelling, grammar, or sentence structure; it’s pure mind-dumping and it has a positive effect on your well-being.

Research has shown that regular journaling can strengthen immune cells. It also acts as a stress management tool. As your mind becomes clearer, you are better able to make good decisions and get clarity about those things that are most important during these difficult days.

2. Develop a Positive Support System

It is okay to rail against the situation you are in. No doubt there will be friends and family who will rally to your side with their own war cries. This is not where you want to stay, however. Immersing yourself in anger and rage is not helpful in the long run.

You certainly will feel these emotions, and you need support to move beyond them into healing. Finding those who can support you in a proactive, positive fashion may mean looking not only to friends and family, but also a support group, a therapist, clergy, or other trusted individual who can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, because even though you may not see it today, it definitely is there.

3. Exercise

It is not uncommon to feel a need to sleep – constantly. Depression often accompanies this life-changing event. Exercise can help to minimize the effects of depression. It may not lift your spirits entirely, but it will help you feel better. Getting out for a walk and enjoying fresh air can help clear your mind. Take in the beauty of the lakes or go for a walk in the park. Take deep breaths along the way and you will notice a difference.

4. Meditate

Your mind may be racing with all types of thoughts. Learning to meditate and quiet your mind can reduce your stress. Other benefits of this practice include improved sleep and allowing your brain to function better.

The people representing your interests at the table and in the courtroom are part of your support system while going through a divorce. We specialize in divorce at Lake Harriet Law Office. We understand your pain and we fight for the best outcome. Contact us at 612-750-4843 for a confidential consultation.


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