4 steps to measuring the impact of learning

4 steps to measuring the impact of learning

It really shouldn’t be that hard to prove the impact of learning…

Recent publications from the LPI and Learning News suggest measuring the impact of learning remains a key headache for L&D professionals.

Here’s the PBS guide to measuring what matters:

1.     Participant feedback (at the end of intervention): incorporating standard benchmarks like Net Promoter Score with “So what” commitments such as “As a result of this training, what will you do differently back at work?”

2.     Knowledge retention surveys (before and for 6 months after intervention): pre and post program quizzes are a simple and engaging way to assess knowledge retention success

3.     Tracking behaviour changes (for 12 months after intervention): coaches, managers or individuals themselves should have a clear way to track the success of any “So what” commitments and consider other trends from other data like engagement surveys

4.     Business impact (3 to 18 months after intervention): these measures must be aligned to strategic goals, but could include financial performance, employee churn, hiring success or promotion rates.

There is an argument that no learning budget should be allocated to an initiative that does not have all 4 of these measures in place before starting.

Note also that training completion rates are NOT an indicator of success!

To learn more about measuring the impact of learning, access our whitepaper here or contact us for a chat!


