4 Steps For Measuring Employee Training Effectiveness
Learn Or Teach
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In today's world, we measure everything! A newborn baby's height, weight, and length. We measure age by weeks and months, time during our commute using GPS, and of course my personal favorite: calories using the MyFitnessPal app. With global spending on training reaching $345 billion in 2022, why would you not measure results or lack thereof given this significant spend?
“When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind...” - Lord Kelvin 1883
What gets measured gets done. Measurement puts the spotlight on where proficiency matters and creates and incentive for employees to learn. As an organization, it is imperative to put equal emphasis on measuring training efficacy as is put on training delivery. This equal treatment of delivery and evaluation must show up in the training budget breakdown
Now that we have made the case for the importance of measuring employee training effectiveness
At Learn Or Teach, we have termed our employee training measurement approach the BRRR method. It is an adaptation of The Kirkpatrick Four-level Training Evaluation model
Our four tenants include the following:
At Learn Or Teach, we provide a learning management system
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