4 Steps To Marketing Success for Financial Advisors.
Busyness does not equate to fruitfulness.
In working with Financial Advisors & helping to solve their marketing problems - I've learnt and distilled that there are 4 critical steps that many Advisors ignore when it comes to growing their marketing.
Too many are obsessed in trying to find the next shiny object or silver bullet that would generate leads for them sustainably and predictably - they hire lead generators, telemarketers - or even pay for a bunch of leads that wouldn't show up to their scheduled appointments.
Months go by, and they are still stuck with the same problems and a burnt pocket.
There must be a better way to reliably solve these problems and install some foundations that will last in generating more client opportunities.
So here are the 4 distilled steps to increase marketing effectiveness for your advisory business.
Step 1: Know Your Client Niche.
This one's common sense, but apparently common sense isn't common practice these days. If I could get a dollar for every consultant that has told me that their market is people above 30 years old (i.e. the mass market), I would be a billionaire (okay this is hyperbolic, but you get my point).
When you try to go for everyone, you wouldn't get anyone. Niching down eliminates most of your competitors in the eyes of your prospects.
Step 2: Research & Understand Your Niche Market.
Understanding your niche market's pain points, hopes, dreams, fears. What they like to do, the financial concerns they have... The list goes on. When you are able to research and understand your niche market, you get to a level of client intimacy that your peers cannot match.
Step 3: Crafting Your Marketing Message
This is where you craft out an effective marketing message showing how your solution would be able to help alleviate their pain and bring them to the promise land. Your marketing message for your niche audience would position you as an expert and authority and would build trust with your niche.
Step 4: Distribution of Message
Now - it's time to let the world know. You need eyeballs on your message, you need people to hear what you can do for them. At this point, you would be able to see how traditional prospecting methods would pale in comparison.
Why? Simply because knocking on doors and going for street canvassing is extremely time-consuming, not targeted, and generates very little output and results for your effort.
When you can distribute your marketing message at scale, to the cold audience, within minutes - you are looking at asymmetric returns, where your output (result) is far greater than your input (effort).
This is what long-term sustainable marketing looks like for Financial Advisors. Where your efforts and results compound over time, and you attract more clients as you reiterate and improve your service delivery.
And this - doesn't involve buying $100 leads that wouldn't pick up their phone.
Mike is a Marketing Consultant that specialises in helping Financial Advisors generate more leads & commissions sustainably through digital systems. He has helped his clients & partners generate multiple 6-figures in commissions over the past year.