4 Steps to Creating Abundance

4 Steps to Creating Abundance

Before I go into the 4 steps to creating more abundance, there is something that it’s essential to understand first – and that is that abundance is not something that needs to be created! Whether you are referring to an abundance of money, or an abundance of freedom and choices; or whether you are thinking of it in terms of having an abundance of physical vitality or an abundance of love flowing in and out of your life, the essence of all of these experiences is an energy that we desire to participate with.

At the essence of everything that you want – at the root of everything you would like your money to buy – is a desire to feel a certain way. Our emotional states – from the highest and most joyful to the lowest and most resistant – are merely reflections of how freely or constricted our emotional energy is flowing.

So the first premise to accept is that the state of abundance that we are seeking is not a group of physical conditions, but an energy that we want to flow in and out of our lives in a rich and unlimited way. Once you understand that, you immediately become more abundant, because you understand that everything in the universe is made of energy, and that energy is in a constant state of changing form; of flowing and gathering and becoming more.

Because we have conditioned ourselves to thinking about abundance as a process of attaining physical objects, we miss the abundance that is all around us; that flows through every part of this manifested world. A couple of quick cases in point: There is enough water combined in the world’s oceans to cover the entire land mass of the United States ninety miles deep. In the next sixty seconds alone, the sun will generate enough solar power to meet the energy needs of our entire planet for a year. We were born into an abundant, unlimited universe where there is virtually no limit to how much love, inspiration, joy, excitement or success we can experience. Nowhere in nature can you find evidence of lack. The concept of lack is entirely man-made.

So if there is no shortage of energy, and therefore of abundance, in this universe, how is it that anyone can have an experience of lack or limitation? The answer is that although abundance is available to all of us, and well being is being showered down upon us all, each of us has our own particular ability to receive the abundance that is being offered. It’s like, imagine that it was raining outside, and the way each of us relates to life gives us a different sized container. Some people have huge buckets to receive the rain; others have a bowl, and some may have only a thimble. Some people are so bad at receiving that they are like a cement sidewalk, and the rain just bounces off of them. So the key to becoming more abundant is not about creating anything. It’s about becoming more receptive to the abundance that is already flowing toward us.

So, here are four steps you can take to become more receptive to abundance:

1) Revamp your beliefs.

If you believe that resources are scarce; that creating wealth means sacrificing a personal life; or that past mistakes or hardships are preventing you from creating happiness, these beliefs will keep out of your experience all the good that is trying to come in. Water is a very useful way to understand abundance. Think of a rushing river moving toward an area of drought. If there are rocks in the way, the water will still flow but it will be slowed by the rocks. And if there are too many rocks built up, they will form a dam that will keep the water out altogether – even though it’s flowing freely on the other side of the dam. In the same way, abundance seeks to come into our lives along our path of least resistance, and our limiting belief about ourselves, about life, about money, about the need to work hard and effort are like rocks that slow the rush of abundance into our lives. Yes, the water can get around them, but we could speed the process up by removing the obstacles that get in its way.

2) Affirm life the way it really is.

Once we have cleared some of our limiting beliefs out of the way, we create space to perceive life differently. Nature is a great place to look for evidence of abundance and to affirm its presence every time you see it – because there is evidence of it literally everywhere you look. Affirm demonstrations of abundance everywhere you find them, and say to yourself things such as, “there is more than enough of everything to go around.” “I am inherently deserving and valuable.” “It is absolutely possible to make an abundance of money doing something I love.” Affirming abundance opens the space within us that allows us to receive.

3) Engage Your Power of Focus

Another really powerful way to begin leaning more in the direction of the abundance that is always flowing to you by engaging your power of focus. In every moment there are an infinite number of things that you can observe and shine the light of your attention on. Some things are in a state of alignment; of flow; of harmony and joy, and some are in a state of discord. It’s up to us to tune our perception to those things which feel good when we observe them. Granted, most of us were never taught to view the world through this lens. In fact, we were probably taught the exact opposite – to notice what’s wrong; to point out what needs fixing; to be on the lookout for potential danger. But what we look for we tend to find, so it is really to our benefit to be more deliberate about where and how we direct our attention. It takes some discipline in the beginning, but with practice, looking for evidence of the abundance that is all around you will become your default way of viewing the world. And when this happens, huge shifts begin to happen – not through trying or efforting, but through allowing. I have two boys, ages 6 and 8 (this month), and most mornings as I am getting them ready for school or if we are on our way to a birthday party, I will play a game with them that I call “What are you going to spy for today?” Most days they are on the lookout for adventure and fun, so that’s where they hone their focus. But some days – like when my youngest got his feelings hurt while the boys were playing before school, he announced that he was going to spy for kindness that day. My point is, no matter what kind of circumstance we find ourselves in, or what the current state of our finances, we always have the ability to focus on something that raises our vibration; that provides a feeling of upliftment or relief. Once we understand that the external conditions of our lives do not need to control our responses, we are truly free.

4) Appreciate often and out loud the ways in which you are already abundant.

To increase the flow of abundance in any part of your life, make it a regular practice to notice, appreciate, feel and speak out loud all of the ways in which you already are abundant. You don’t have to count your blessings; just breathe them in. There’s more where all of that came from. Release the dam and allow the river of abundance to nourish you in wonderful and unexpected ways.

If these four steps to creating more abundance sound simplistic, it’s because they are! Where our attention goes, energy flows, and abundance is nothing but energy.

For more information on creating abundance, watch my free webinar here: https://qsla.com/abundance/


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