4 Steps to Better Community Engagement

4 Steps to Better Community Engagement

Community Engagement can take many forms, and for those of us that offer services to the greater community, it is understood that we need to e able to positively engage in order to build profitable relationships with those we serve. The path forward however, is not always clear. During my years of action and service I have determined that with the correct perspective and a few simple reminders, we can be sure to find a way forward towards tighter relationships with those that we serve.

1. At best, Community Engagement is an ongoing conversation between partners.
When we begin to take on this perspective, we give true weight to the power dynamic in our relationship with our customers/clients. As partners, we each have a vested interest in the success of the other and to make this happen, the information must flow as freely as possible. This makes each interaction an opportunity to stay current by listening to their wants and needs, and the more we respond to those things (as opposed to what we think they want/need) the more relevant and we become. The more relevant we become, the more they want to share. This back and forth sharing becomes a conversation that is the foundation of the trust needed to develop a long-lasting, mutually benefitial relationship. #SeekPartnership #ThinkConversation #BackAndForth

2. Where our partners are, we must be.
In the past, community was geography dependant, as were the problems and solutions of the day. One could only partner with those in close physical proximity, which left many problems practically unsolvable. In today’s world, community has been able to free itself from the boundary limits of geography which has enabled conversations to start between partners that may never have met otherwise. In order to sustain old relationships and develop new ones, it is important to have a presence wherever our community is so that we can insure that the conversation contiues and the information flows well. We must be ready to listen and respond wherever our desired community finds itself, and we must be flexible enough to follow if it migrates. If this means using social media, then we use it. If this means going to trade conferences, then we go. If this means spending time with student groups or neighborhood associations, then we spend the time. Meeting them where they are puts us in the best position to listen. #ListeningIsFundamental #WeaveTheNewWithTheOld #HandShakesStillCount

3. Be Responsive to their needs
Because we positioned ourselves accordingy, we can then respond in kind. As listeners, we are always learning from our partners so that we can adjust when they change. Often times as providers, we will also have to educate our partners on both the developments in our fields as well as the limitations. We are all creatures of habit, so new products and services can cause anxiety to old clients and customers. Our ability to adequately explain how they are better solutions to old problems helps foster goodwill in the relationship instead of the sense that one side is taking advantage of the other. When it is clear that we are making adjustments to be better partners, reeciprocation will more likely follow. #RespondAccordingly #CreateGoodwill

4. Consistency is Key
By being available and intentional listeners, we can earn trust and goodwill from our partners. If we are consistent in these, we will develop brand loyalty, the hallmark of the best relationships. To be consistent, we must at once know our capabilities and limitations so that we can make realistic commitments, and readily share throughout the process. Even if what you share is occasionaly bad news, that in and of itself is not a negative on the relationship if we are honest and upfront about it. When people have the opportunity to prepare and adjust for corurse corrections, they do. It is becomes problematic when it is obvious that one partner had the opportunity to prepare the other for oncoming turbulence and chose not to do so. That becomes a betrayal of trust, and trust is hard to rebuild once broken. #PromiseWhatYouCanDo #DoWhatYouPromise #Communicate

All good relationships are based on trust facilitated by effective communication. There is something about us that desires predictability and clarity from those that we endeavor to spend our time with, and this also determines where and with whom we want to share our resources. We should think of our business/customer or provider/client dynamics no differently. It therefore becomes beneficial to aproach each of our interactions with our counterparts through the lense of a conversation, where we are either listening, or responding in order to ensure that long-term, mutually benefitial back and forth that becomes positive community engagement.

With Optimism,



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