4 Step Model To Increasing Performance WITHOUT “Doing More” (and maybe get better at golf…)
Have you ever believed so much in your ability but then you look around, frustrated that you are still where you were…
and that people around you, that manage you, that are on bigger accounts and making more than you, their business is soaring and yours… well, it just isn’t. Yet.
You know you have the ability. You know you are capable. You know that you’re as good, if not better than them…
Yet they are earning more and further ahead than you?
It IS frustrating.
It’s like playing golf and knowing that YOU are the better golfer…
You’re technique is more fluid.
You hit the ball further.
You practice more.
But despite all that, and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t shoot a lower score.
You just can’t win.
No matter how hard you try.
So, what do we do?
I believe we need to KNOW there is a problem, learn to SLOW so we can assess it, GROW as a result so we can FLOW and be more effective, more productive and ultimately be better at what we do.
The first step is ALWAYS awareness. To know that there is a problem in the first place. Understand that there is a problem.
Sometimes, not even a problem but just that whilst things are ok… you want them to be better.
So, you ask the simple question…
Am I where I want to be? Or am I leaving potential and opportunity on the table?
This is where we go all counterintuitive… stop trying so hard! Slow down and give yourself the space to learn, to strategise and to develop your action. Most people are going so fast that they never have time to assess and refine there strategy.
Slowing down helps you become aware of what you are doing, what works, what doesn’t and do more of what is moving you in the right direction.
Grow from it. When we keep pushing, we just push with the same strategy - a strategy that we know does not work - harder and harder. It’s like trying to drive the ball when we know we have a horrible slice. You’ll never hit it further until you fix the slice - this would be growth in your game.
This can only happen once we slow down because this gives us the lessons to grow. Pay attention and grow a new, more effective strategy.
You’ve already got all the knowledge, all the expertise and now you’ve got an improved strategy. Now’s the time to let this flow rather than forcing it means that we can perform to our best.
In golf this would be trusting your technique, focusing on every shot. We practice on the range but when we get on the course, we allow our technique to do the work for us - we are in flow or in the zone.
How does this apply to sales?
Rather than pushing, trying and striving for more sales, we trust the new technique, we test the new technique and we trust ourselves. We find our zone, we get our mind right and we allow it to happen for us.
It’s easy to say… but not so easy to do. And heck, maybe you know this already.
If you want the tools to learn HOW to implement this model, I’m going to be putting some free materials in my Facebook group (HERE).
p.s. If you want to learn how to develop a mindset that teaches you how to be more effective with what you ALREADY have - that means learning how to be better at what you do more WITHOUT having to do more.
I might have something for you.
Drop me a message.